@Marinus-van-Deudekom ...
About the brightness it's true, it's not excellent but if you choose the right map, with strong contrasts, like Michelin, even in full sunlight and from behind my back, I saw the directions without problems, and I wear sunglasses and the helmet visor lowered. Of course, if it were brighter it would be better but I wonder... do we ride a motorbike to look at the world or do we ride a motorbike to look at a display?
Maybe the truth depends on how we understand the information of our trip. I plan a tour, usually with an average of 700 km.. I don't look for particular points of attraction, just the track, preferably curved and I avoid large cities and highways. If I discover something interesting along the way I stop, otherwise I continue to go on my track. So, what I need is to see the track on the display to follow, not to miss intersections, roundabouts, etc.. I don't go beyond that. My wife and I like to sit on the bike for as long as possible. So, a cell phone with these features is more than enough, also because I don't find it very safe to look at the display often. Others, however, understand the trip completely differently from mine, they prefer to have as much information as possible. The world is beautiful because it is varied.