Routes can not be uploaded
Does the BD problem affect this as well? Routes are not beeing recognized when uploaded, either ITN nor GPX.
Best regards, Michael
Probleem opgelost!
Met de nodige zweetdruppels is het gelukt om de database te repareren. Alles werkt weer zoals het hoort!Problem solved!
With the necessary drops of sweat we managed to repair the database. Everything works as it should again!Problem gelöst!
Mit den nötigen Schweißtropfen ist es uns gelungen, die Datenbank zu reparieren. Alles funktioniert wieder wie es sollte! -
Problem is solved
@Michel-van-Hagen-MRA-Founder In mra-navigation routes niet te loaden. Foutmelding: verbinding met server niet mogelijk.
Paulette Silvius -
@Matt-Flaming Try to move one waypoint along the route for some meters. That will initiate an new calculation. Maybe it helps.
@Matt-Flaming Sometimes ist helps to reinstall the navigation app.
@Matt-Flaming Ok. It seems to me some database elements from the affected routes are damaged.
Wether they can be repaired ? I don’t know. On your computer copy one of the routes for testing. The copy should create new database entries. Otherwise export the route under „save as“ in the gpx format and then import again.
Hopefully it helps. -
@Matt-Flaming I have the same problem!
I can only delete a route, not open, copy or download a route in Navigation.
A route made in Navigation does work once and then gives the problem. -
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master Thats realy bad! Can't download Routes I planed and App is blocked!!!
Restarting the Mobile makes the trick but still no download.
No problem here, can save the routes both via the MRA Planner and via the MRA Modile app, MRA Navigation also works normally (Iphone 7s)
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master Can't open all the Routes I have been working, touched yesterday. Old ones are ok. Using Android. Just Uploaded the Route above giving a new Name: 3. Kosice - Mizhhiria 317km TMP, can't open it. Restarted Mobile, getting Message "No connection to Server" Internet is fine. Changed Route to Public, so someone can check please
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master Hier hetzelfde probleem: Gisteren MRA-Navigation aangeschaft, waarschijnlijk in de tijd dat er problemen waren bij MRA betreffende de server. Zo'n beetje alles al geprobeerd. Mijn partner gebruikt MRA(-Navigation) al vanaf het eerste uur...
Helpt het als ik het MRA-account geheel verwijder? De routes zijn daar wel te laden en te veranderen. Alleen in Navigation geeft het laden een server-foutmelding. -
@Paulette-Silvius IOS or Anroid?
@Kudee Android, but not related to Samsung of an other brand of phone...
@Paulette-Silvius Seems only Anroid Phone are effected, Hope Hans will replay soon
@Kudee It is not a phone-problem. I also can't open the routes on my partner's phone when I login with my data.
Did you already try to delete the MRA-account? We didn"t try yet... -
@Paulette-Silvius No, hope thats not nessesary otherwise I have to download all the maps again I assume
@Kudee Then I am gonna try ...
I have understood that I"ll loose the access to my MRA-Navigation (and no refund possible) if I delete the MRA-account. So I will not do that of course... -
@Kudee Yes, android phones are affected. I created a test route with the web frontend today. On my IPHONE the test route can be opened but with my outdoor android phone I got an error message.
Android app version 1.6.2 and android 8.1 -
@Reinhard-32 Thanks for testing, maybe helpfull for Hans