From Route to Track?
Can I do this, if yes - how?
Let's say I created a Route in the Route Planner on my
Windows 11 Comp.
Now I want to create a Track from it.Is there a way to easily do it without saving the Route as a Track, saving it in some library and then uploading it back to the Route Planner?
Thanks! -
@Lenny-O why would you want to do that or am I missing something
I wouldn't know why but if you really want it you could save the route as GPX 1.1. using the "save as" menu item and then import it again.
Ik zou niet weten waarom maar als je het echt wilt dan zou je de route als GPX 1.1. kunnen opslaan via het menu item "opslaan als" en daarna weer importeren.
@Lenny-O as @white-mouse wrote: if you have planned a route in MRA-Routeplaner, it's a route and not a track. You can't transform it directly in MRA-Routeplaner from route to track.
The only way is: save it as gpx 1.1 (Track, POI) locally, and upload it again to MRA-Routeplaner.
One more hint, becaus we don't understand your intention: if you have also purchased MyRoute-App for navigation - and your route has been synched - you can use the option: navigate the route as a track.
I get the question because sometimes i want the same.
A route is flexible between the routepoints. A track is fixed. This makes a track more suitable maybe even perfect for comparing and changing a route