@Jörgen Hi Jörgen, thanks a lot for the link - I found this thread as well, yet, I am not sure if I understand.
I am looking for an explanation what this setting is changing (see screenshot from the MRA). I assume, it is changing the factor of the speed-dependent zoom in/out in the perpectivic view not sure if that how it is called - the opposite to the 2D view).
Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-21 um 08.33.26.jpg
However, I do not see a lot of difference between -- and ++ - besides that the -auto-zoom is really quite bumpy - independently from the Zoomkorrektur value. Not sure if this is linked to the position-arrow lagging issue which is still there even though less than some days ago - I know the thread that recommends running a 2nd GPS app in the background to eliminate the position-arrow lag; in my app the arrow constantly lags ca. 20-30 meters behind my actual position which is somewhat annoying