Yep, ik snap wat je bedoeld. En het kan verwarring opleveren.
Het poppetje is de status en de tekst de optie.
(maar die had je al begrijp ik 🙂 )
Schermafbeelding 2023-08-05 om 17.09.56.png
I had trouble getting spoken instructions through my helmet communication. If you open the menu in the app where you can set this, you will see the sign on the left and the text on the right. Now the text says "Voice instructions off" with the unlined sign through it. Then voice instructions are on. It sounds like it, but I find it confusing that the text is on "voice instructions off" when it is "on", must be just me. Times suck to get this right. Other than that it works well.
Yep, I get what you mean. And it can cause confusion.
The doll is the status and the text is the option.