@Léon-Hassing 71ae7e0d-888c-43f9-9ef7-b2abd9582c33-image.png last August
This is a photo of me testing an earlier iteration of the App against my Garmin Zumo XT. The last two versions of the app. I'm now on 4.3.4 -375 have worked perfectly for me on my Africa Twin and VW ID3
However, I still think that using Android Auto or Apple Carplay could add levels of troubleshooting if you are having problems. The head unit, the connection (wired or Wifi) and the phone (particularly AA or CP settings) or competing apps (Bluetooth) could all lead to issues that may not be connected to the app that you are using.
The two that I have encountered over the past year and a half of experimenting with MRA and OSMand are. The data cable not streaming enough data. This was cured by purchasing a high data transfer up to 10 Gbps Amazon Basics cable (about £7) I think. My newest phone glitching when it became charged to 100% and was switching off Android Auto. This was a setting in Android 14 OS which flashed a message on screen that the phone had reached 100% and simultaneously switched off AA. That took some googling to work out and switch off in the Android settings.
Up to now I've continued to use my Garmin Zumo XT as my Primary navigation device. Now however, the latest version of the app is so good for me I think from now on I will use it for primary navigation with the Zumo as a backup. Not least because I can control the app with the Honda bar buttons which I can't do with the Zumo.