@tom-vandenbossche One work around you may want to try is to use Google MyMaps. Create a new map, and import each day's track into a separate layer. You can have up to 10 layers per map, so that will accommodate a 10 day trip, and if you need more you just create a separate map.
This is very quick and easy to do as MRA allows you to export (save as) up to 10 routes or tracks at one time. These are combined into one zip file with the same names they have in MRA and can be unzipped quickly back into 10 separate files. Importing into MyMaps layers is very quick and easy as well once you've done it a time or two.
The nice thing about MyMaps is you can turn each layer (your individual day's route in your case) on and off completely unlike Basecamp which shows them all and just highlights the one that you've selected. You can also very easily share your entire trip on MyMaps with friends and family if you want to show them where you're going or have been.
I'll upload a couple of examples below of routes that I've exported from MRA to MyMaps. The first will show all 10 layers visible, and the second will show all but one turned off.
Routes 1.jpg
Routes 2.jpg