Is this kind of navigation just ignoring any shaping points or what else could I´ve possibly done wrong?
No, on the contrary... Usually a sensible way back to the track is provided. What could have gone wrong is that you touched the screen on the routline, specifying your re-entry to the track, indeed by the fastest way. This can simply be corrected by (long)pressing the route line on a point near your location, the track will be re-entered from there.
As far as I rember, I did not touch anything at all. I did not need to, because I know every bend and bump on that roads. But I think we will not get this sorted. I will give Track navigation another try some other time and will update here.
@Adrian-Avram Your suggested solution is completely correct, but in this specific case, it's particularly difficult to explain why the deactivation might not work.
As of mid-last year, it wasn't yet finally clear whether the pass would even be reopened.
@Christian71 nothing implemented yet. Honestly, MRA Navigation will never be as good as Google Maps or Waze for just driving around. It just does not have current enough information.
If you look at the number of people working at the above mentioned companies and I look at how many are working at MRA, I think they did an impresive job sofar.