Next instruction problem and request.
When you have a route point in between your current position and the next turn instruction, the countdown distance for the next instruction is taken from the intermediate route point.
My examples shows that my second next instructions is a left turn coming up at 3.7 miles yet my first instruction is a right turn at 6.0 miles.
3.7 miles is the same distance as the next route point.
So I think the countdown is incorrect.
This is easy to see in the second screenshot with just 5 yards to go.I would like to make a suggestion and a request please.
Part 1:
Seeing the second next instruction is useful but I would prefer to see the distance that the next turn is after the first turn. I believe this is much more useful information and does not require the distance to countdown. Knowing that the second turn is 20 yards or 3 miles after the first turn is more beneficial than a countdown distance.
Part 2:
I have only been able to use the Next Instruction option since getting my new glasses because it has been far too small to read clearly. And to be honest it is still too small to read safely with a quick glance so I would really appreciate it if you could make the next instruction a little larger please. -
@Nick-Carthew, You could read it properly, else you would not have noticed...
Just kidding! This was noticed by a friend today too. -
@Con-Hennekens I said safely not properly
What are your thoughts about showing the fixed distance of the second turn after the next turn?
I'm in agreement on both points, Nick, i.e:
- next turn distance is far more useful than next waypoint distance
- text size of next instruction is too small. I'm happy to lose a little map area to make that bigger
And whilst we're here, please can I bang on about:
- text size of current instruction distance (6.0) should be the same size as 'Unknown road' text (don't care about the 'mi' bit)
- I would absolutely love 'T' junctions and left/right turn-offs to be distinguished by different icons. One I don't have to concentrate hard on, but the other - left/right turns - I have to watch very carefully. (I tend not to use audio much)
@Nick-Carthew totally support all your points and the logic behind the approach; it all makes total sense.
@Nick-Carthew said in Next instruction problem and request.:
Part 1:
I proposed this exact thing in my feedback to the most early beta version.
It may not come as a surprise that I absolutely support this!
Regarding the size of that field/widget: ya, I agree. A bit bigger would be nice. I would like to propose having the text below the symbol of the maneuver just like the main field, but then a bit smaller than that one.
I previously reported this problem as a bug in the app. No matter what, the information being displayed is wrong.
I think the second turn should continue to show the distance from your current position. It just makes more sense and to me is more intuitive. So my vote is to fix the bug and leave it the way it is ... but yes it could be a little larger. -
@Nick-Carthew said in Next instruction problem and request.:
What are your thoughts about showing the fixed distance of the second turn after the next turn?
Well I usually have strong opinions, but on this one I don't care much
I find it somewhat strange to do one distance dynamically and the other not. So I have a light bias towards it being dynamically, as is the first turn info. For a waypoint you also show the distance from current location, I think that should be the default everywhere in the app. But what I think is much more important, is that it is always the same, and that one should not have to notice whether it is dynamically or not. -
@Doug-Robinson said in Next instruction problem and request.:
It just makes more sense and to me is more intuitive.
Well, I just can't comprehend why a dynamic distance countdown just like the main instruction, is more intuitive than having a fixed distance of the upcoming instruction that in fact comes after the main instruction that is counting down. After all, the second instruction will become the dynamic main one, after the current main one is achieved.
Consider the situation where the main instruction is dynamically counting down and showing "turn right in 10km" and suppose the second instruction is dynamically counting down and "turn left in 10.05km"... how does that make more sense than having a dynamic main instruction and a static "Turn left in 50m".
By having it static, you easily know that when you've turned right, immediately after you shall turn left. Without this static delta info, one has to at some moment in time, calculate the distance difference between the main and second instruction in their head, to know what to do next. Now, if the two maneauvres are far apart, that is not an issue, but the point of this second instruction is to provide you with info to plan your driving ahead.
My example above are easy numbers, and we all know that we can think of numbers that are much more difficult to calculate fast while driving a bike or car.
Imho a static distance between the first and second instruction is the most intuitive way.
To me, in it current form, the 2nd field is just useless most of the time and I solely use the voice instruction for these close together maneuvers.
A toggle perhaps?
@Stefan-Hummelink said in Next instruction problem and request.:
Consider the situation where the main instruction is dynamically counting down and showing "turn right in 10km" and suppose the second instruction is dynamically counting down and "turn left in 10.05km"... how does that make more sense than having a dynamic main instruction and a static "Turn left in 50m".
Well, you are not turning left in 50m but actually in 10.05km, so why not show that?
My example above are easy numbers, and we all know that we can think of numbers that are much more difficult to calculate fast while driving a bike or car.
That's exactly why I have a bias towards dynamical. You don't need to calculate anything. It just says what you can expect.
A toggle perhaps?
In Corjan's words: "NO!"
@Con-Hennekens I see both sides but it depends on how you view the second turn. Dynamic has its uses but if I was wanting directions from someone they would say in 10 miles turn Left/right then 0.5 miles turn etc. not how you would describe it dynamically! Each have our own preference and for me I go with @Nick-Carthew and the others and would like the choice if I can.
@Dave-J-0, I agree both viewpoints are defendable, but I think it is REALLY too small of a thing to make it a toggle. Sometimes it counts as "it is what it is".
@Con-Hennekens maybe but there are a number of us who find it a 'slight annoyance' as @Nick-Carthew has said. Moreover, the user interface needs to be adaptable to all users although I accept that this is not a priority at the moment given other aspects downstream. However, I remain hopeful that we have a toggle downstream.
@Con-Hennekens I’m not a fan of ‘it is what it is’. I firmly believe that if something can be improved upon then all effort should go into improving it.
Certainly the dynamic countdown error to the next route point should be investigated when time allows.I’ve had a few days to think about this now and I still cannot see any logic or usefulness in having a second dynamic countdown for the second turn instruction.
The most important information for me is knowing the distance after the first turn. -
@Nick-Carthew, haha, like @Stefan-Hummelink it seems you take this very high
I think the level of user-adaptability already is extremely high, especially if you compare it to TomTom and Garmin devices which take "it is what it is" to pretty extreme levels, and no one ever complains about that. Configurability is great, too many insignificant toggles are not. I am sure Corjan will make a wise decision about this
@richtea999 I absolutely agree with you. Would be really nice if that could be fixed in next update.
@Con-Hennekens Hahaha we're merely dedicated to make this the best app for all.
@Stefan-Hummelink, You know I am too, but I just don't think too many toggles is going to do it
I'd rather have the distance being static from the first upcoming turn, then have another toggle.
@Con-Hennekens said in Next instruction problem and request.:
You know I am too
Hahahaha offcourse I know you do. I expected a response like yours muhaha.
@Nick-Carthew After over 5700 miles tour, I totally support both requests. I do not how many times I have looked at the second turn, and have been trying to figure out the distance. The fixed distance from the first turn would be perfect.
As for the size of text, man it hurts to be old. In addition to the stupid dimming of the screen on iPhone due to the high temperature, the small size of text does not help.