5 Sept 2023, 07:49

@Doug-Robinson said in Next instruction problem and request.:

It just makes more sense and to me is more intuitive.

Well, I just can't comprehend why a dynamic distance countdown just like the main instruction, is more intuitive than having a fixed distance of the upcoming instruction that in fact comes after the main instruction that is counting down. After all, the second instruction will become the dynamic main one, after the current main one is achieved.

Consider the situation where the main instruction is dynamically counting down and showing "turn right in 10km" and suppose the second instruction is dynamically counting down and "turn left in 10.05km"... how does that make more sense than having a dynamic main instruction and a static "Turn left in 50m".

By having it static, you easily know that when you've turned right, immediately after you shall turn left. Without this static delta info, one has to at some moment in time, calculate the distance difference between the main and second instruction in their head, to know what to do next. Now, if the two maneauvres are far apart, that is not an issue, but the point of this second instruction is to provide you with info to plan your driving ahead.

My example above are easy numbers, and we all know that we can think of numbers that are much more difficult to calculate fast while driving a bike or car.

Imho a static distance between the first and second instruction is the most intuitive way.

To me, in it current form, the 2nd field is just useless most of the time and I solely use the voice instruction for these close together maneuvers.

A toggle perhaps? 😃