18 Dec 2024, 23:17

@Con-Hennekens @Mzokk @Corjan-Meijerink @Erdna
Well as promised, I said I'd get back to you if I cracked it.
Well I was sitting here, and I had a lightbulb moment, the wife has the same phone as me, and she has MRA on her phone too.
So I thought I'd do a route on her phone, then tip it to landscape mode, and see what the result was.
Well all the information was on the phone screen.
So into her settings display for a rummage around, and the only different setting was the one marked, "Display Size ", mine was off the chart, hers was at a more realistic level., and guess what, mines perfect now too. 😁 😁
So at the risk of sounding like a cracked record, thanks for all your help you gave me in this minor matter, which was really of my own making. 🙄 🙄