Subscription page down?
Hi, I’m trying to subscribe, but after I click check out, I just get a blank page. Is the server down?
@Ian-Joyner I have just tried to buy a subscription and when I get to the checkout and choose PayPal I get re-routed to PayPal. So I guess everything is working. Do you have any security settings that are blocking you?
@Nick-Carthew I’m not aware of any security settings that would cause an issue, I can use other sites fine. I’ve tried on an iPhone and MacBook, both just have a blank page, although I can use the rest of the site fine.
@Ian-Joyner As far as I know there are no problems with the subscription page and checkout. Can I ask you to open a support ticket and someone from support will be able to help you. It will be Monday at the earliest.
@Nick-Carthew thanks I have sent an email to
@Ian-Joyner Your issue should be solved!
@Corjan-Meijerink I have no idea what you did, but can confirm it is now working! Thanks.
@Ian-Joyner I did my job! Thanks for confirming!