@Matt-Flaming I understand that, the reason I'm conservative with planned features is because I don't want to create the wrong expectations regarding the MRA Navigation timeline or an Android Auto timeline.
I do think there might be a small misunderstanding here: all of the features (except of course Apple Carplay) are for both platforms. We also don't atlternate resources between development and "bug hunting". Instead they're paralel processes. Each week, at least 12 hours are dedicated to "accute" problems and bug squashing, like the issues you're experiencing in Android. Because, again, we'd rather have those criticisms here on the Community Forum where we can see them and do something about it, rather than in some hidden corner of the internet. To illustrate: your points helped us actively track down several issues, and raised awareness that while our app might be 96% crash free, that doesn't mean it's going to be useable for everyone. A navigation app stuck in demo mode is useless. There's no denying that. The recalculating route and demo-mode bug are now a top priority for the app development team.