gpx 1.1 vs 1.2
I have a question regarding exporting gps files from MRA to Garmin XT2....and how the XT2 reshapes routes differently with the two file types.
My workflow is to create my routes using MRA on my laptop, then export them from the MRA app on my iPhone to Garmin Tread. This then automatically syncs the routes with the Garmin XT2 (which is a pretty cool feature).
I use named Via points, and quite a few additional shaping points to define the routes.
If I export to Tread using the gps 1.2 formate, then it appears that all shaping points are lost and the XT2 simply routes directly between the Via points - which basically loses all the lovely twisty roads I have lovingly crafted the route around.
The workaround is to turn all shaping points into Vias - but this is not a good solution as you then end up with loads of confusingly named Via points.
However, if I export to Tread as gps 1.1, then the routes come across normally with all the shaping points intact and the XT routes perfectly.
I have read somewhere on a Zumo users forum, that in the case of the gps 1.2 format, MRA actually does not export the shaping points, but instead sends many (hundreds?) "ghost points", (route extensions?). It appears that the Zumo XT2 ignores these completely.
Does anyone know if this is correct - and why it works this way?
I am currently just exporting using px 1.1 which works just fine, but I am intrigued as to why gpx 1.2 works this way and doesn't include shaping points?
@Alasdair-Denton-Miller hi
Of you search on the forum you can have a great time reading about all the pro’s and con’s. There’s more then enough said about this topic -
Well, I am not sure that there is quite enough said about it yet because the Garmin Zumo XT2 nav, using the Garmin Tread app behaves differently than the older XT.
Using the same route created in MRA, sent to both the XT (via Drive) and the XT2 (via Tread) in gps 1.2 format, the route calculation is completely different.
For example, I have a great 120 mile circular route around the lower part of the Black Forest. If I export it in 1.2 to the XT, then the device follows the track, connects all the Vias and everything is good.
But if I export the same route in 1.2 via Tread, to the XT2, it simply goes for the shortest route between Vias. It does not follow the track at all, and as 1.2 does not contain shaping points, the route just follows the shortest, most boring roads.
So there is clearly something different going on with Tread/XT2 than Drive/XT. The 1.2 format that had benefits with the XT is now a liability with the XT2.
I know I can just send 1.1 format routes to the XT2 and use my shaping points, but it's also nice to be able to see the route and track at the same time and see any deviations from the plan.
@Alasdair-Denton-Miller hi @Alasdair-Denton-Miller
You are completely right. The 2 devices act differently.
What I true to say was that there are multiple topics in the Forum addressing just this problem.
Some say to solution is not using the tread app because it's nooit stable enough.
The only one that can give you a real good advice is @hans-van-de-ven. Of you can search the Forum for XT2 export -
@Marinus-van-Deudekom I did some testing last night and found the following:
I made a detailed route in Tread with multiple shaping points. I transferred this to my Zumo XT2, which then took the route from 400 miles to 900 miles!
I tried to rectify the issue for hours over days to no avail. Turns out the Tread app is just useless.
I then decided to use MyRouteApp - MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better than Tread. I have then planned my route again, including 153 shaping points.
3.1. Go to the MRA app, export using GPX 1.2, import into Tread. Tread then imports 2 tracks, instead of a track and a route.
3.2. Go to MRA app, export GPX 1.1 - route and track imported into Tread. Route takes the fastest route between start and end point disregarding shaping points.
3.3. MRA app, export GPX 1.1, import into Explore. Route and track imported. Both displayed perfectly. Route includes all the shaping points. However, when opened in Tread to then transfer to Zumo, Tread than reverts to the position at 3.2 and removes all shaping points.
3.4. MRA website, export GPX 1.1, connect Zumo XT2 to Mac and use Android File Transfer to share the GPX file to the device. Route ONLY imported, no track. GPX is displayed correctly, and includes all shaping points.
I've emailed this to Garmin and will await their response.
@Sam-Ellis the Tread app is awful. It does not seem to matter what I do, there always seems to be a problem with the route being changed to a lesser or greater degree by the sync action between the Tread App and the XT2 and vice versa. Generally, I stick with making changes on the XT2 as the backward sync to Tread appears to be more reliable. That said, converting a track to a route seems to be the safest option at the moment but then you lose the via points.
Lost patience with the Tread and XT2 and using MRA on a CarPlay display on the bike now. So much more easier.
@Sam-Ellis Hi
I see that you also use the explore app.
My experience is that explore wel surely mess everything you want to do.
I advise you the set the XT2 to factory settings install it again and don't use explore.
Look at how @hans-van-de-ven is using the tread app and maybe it will end alright -
@Marinus-van-Deudekom I have to use Explore for other Garmin outdoor devices I use that don't support anything else. I'll check out Hans and see how it goes.
@Sam-Ellis for your XT2 make sure that it isn’t on the XT2
UPDATEAfter a bit more digging, I've now found that I can export GPX 1.1 in MRA, and import into Tread and it will keep the shaping points, so long as the total number of waypoints in MRA is 50 or less. Any more than that, and it imports both the route and track as tracks.