Suggestion : Adding a temporary Waypoint, and Adding a Waypoint after an existing point.
HI. I recently completed a 5k mile tour of Europe with MyRouteApp at the helm, and am busy in the draft stages of planning my next big ride-out. As I'm working, I thought of a suggestion for the planning side of things which I believe would enable changes to a route to be made more quickly and easily than at present.
If I've missed something in my assumptions of the current functionality, please feel free to educate me
The 'scenario' and 'suggestion' detail gets a little involved, so I put together a short visual guide - which is available on my Google Drive ....
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work !
Cheers, Jem!
Nick Carthew
Some nice suggestions. I have moved your topic to the RoutePlanner suggestion channel as I think this is the most appropriate place for it.
@Jem Cotton: When you have "Ask for waypoint name" checkbox marked, MRA planner will show a message box after clicking on some point, so you will have a possibility to press Cancel button and see what has been searched. I use this option and it works fine.
@Jem-Cotton loving the very detailed suggestion!
I actually completely agree with the ideaI’ll see if I can find some time to get around doing something like this.
This is indeed a good idea.
And how nice @Corjan-Meijerink that you immediately made a commitment to find the time to implement this.
But why go for this idea that has now been asked once and why not respond to the frequently asked question of being able to easily see multiple routes and any associated functions? Or are you already working on that in the background? -
@Jack-van-Tilburg complexity is the key word
We indeed have a heavy focus on the app. Sometimes I shift some focus to the website (eg. the recently added extra pause icons). That was something that wasn’t that much work. Changing the search behavior is something that doesn’t have to be much work. Adding a visual temporary waypoint might be complex so not sure how we will make it work. I just really agree with it being quite annoying that searching something adds a waypoint to the end of your route.Keeping the routes to be displayed along with another routes persisted is just way more complex / time consuming
@Corjan-Meijerink Thanks Corjan. I do hope it won't be too complicated. Look forward to news of the change as and when ....
of course, I can't resist reacting
It may be time to shift focus from adding new things to NEXT to bug fixing, (i know, the most annoying part of programming but also very useful), and to look at upgrading the planner while keeping it in sync with the app, of course.
I understand what you're saying but I don't agree with you.
I think there will be less touring in the coming period (autumn/winter). Planner users will probably want to prepare their routes and trips for next year at this time and it is sad that the Planner is somewhat lagging behind in development and improvement. -
@Jack-van-Tilburg, There's 2 ways to look at this. Especially when the time is there to prepare next year's routes, you don't want an overhaul of things you are familiar with. On the other side, the planner is used worldwide, there will always be people at which the time is uncomfortable. I don't think there really is a best time to to change things. But yeah, metoo is very eager to see what's coming
@Con-Hennekens said in Suggestion : Adding a temporary Waypoint, and Adding a Waypoint after an existing point.:
you don't want an overhaul of things you are familiar with
What nonsense. The proposed improvements are absolutely not "overhaul".
@Jack-van-Tilburg, that's true, but I think there is many more proposed changes. I think the intention is to modernize the GUI also.
If it only concerns the GUI, there is no reason to stop development.
This will change if the platform and/or operating system changes. -
Hi all.
Doing some planning recently, I came across the same limitation as above, but had an idea about how to solve the issue fairly (??) easily.
I can manually add a 'Point of Interest' (POI) - which establishes a marker on my map, but does not affect the route planning Waypoints etc.
If I could add such a POI as a result of a location search instead of manually, that's half of the problem solved.
As an additional step, if a POI could be 'converted' to a new Waypoint between existing points (xx) and (yy), then the problem is resolved, and adding detours, interesting places to a route becomes SO much easier ....
Just my further thoughts - hope this helps.
Cheers, Jem