Nice list, with interesting suggestions but ..
why not start with a "search function" in the Navigation App, or do you consider that a bug ?
Nice to find myself in the list
The actual suggestion was to "search routes based on X-distance form destantion an originating Y-distance from desired starting point" But I will forgive about the shortened version
May I deposit another one here, for Navigation?
And for MRA?
Idea and suggestion from @Martin-Cooke: Is it possible to do a search in MRA by grid reference? A created waypoint's info contains the grid reference, surely that must be possible?
MRA Navigation Suggestion:
Add a button for change from "guidance view" (Standard MRA navigation view) to "map view" too see where i am in the track.
Alternatively a zoom +/- could be a good solution.
Doing always a pinch-to-zoom is complicated. You have to stop the ride and take off the gloves.
Vandaag even wat routes 'geoptimaliseerd'. Twee dingen waar ik tegenaan liep. Ik moest een grote route met een stuk of 80 routepunten nalopen (puntjes op de weg zetten en niet op kruispunten bijvoorbeeld). Als je dan een routepunt aanklikt krijg je het popupje met de opties .
Nadat je het routepunt even iets verschoven hebt, herberekent MRA de route. Daarna is gelijk het popupje weg. Als je dus naar het volgende routepunt wilt klikken met de pijltjes, moet je eerst weer het routepunt aanklikken en dan pas op het pijltje. Als dat popupje nu niet verdwijnt, maar blijft staan gaat dat sneller (scheelt een klik) en scheelt ook de kans op een misklik (en dat er dan een routepunt wordt toegevoegd). Een optie om te kiezen voor het laten staan van het popupje zou wel een welkome aanvulling zijn.
Dit brengt me op het volgende punt. Als je misklikt en er een routepunt wordt toegevoegd, komt daar rechtsonder in je scherm een bevestiging van
echter staat die bevestiging precies boven op de 'ongedaan maak button' (de oh-shit knop volgens Serge).
Is het een idee om die bevestiging linksonder in het scherm te plaatsen, daar staat ie niets in de weg. Dit maakt het corrigeren van een misklik sneller, want je hoeft niet 3 seconden te wachten met ongedaan maken.
Het zou in mijn ogen de gebruiksvriendelijkheid ten goede komen en lijken me beide geen hele zware aanpassingen.
@Wytze Inderdaad kleinigheden maar lijken me wel belangrijk qua gebruiksvriendelijkheid
@Wytze U kunt ervoor kiezen om op een routepunt in de lijst te klikken. Dit bespaart 1 klik en 1,25 seconden
Attention all, please try to use English as much as possible and stay on the subject.
i've got a great one. woudn't it be great if i can pick up my phone, Open de Myroute app and send any route to my Navigation system wireless.
the functionality is already in a lot of systems.
Currently i can send or receive from my BMW navigator to any Garmin /bmw device any route or track.
but it is not possible trough my phone.
You only have to trich the system by leting hem think the Phone is another Nav device.
from there i can get any route i want from the app, and drive for ever!!!
@Arjan-Olsthoorn I can send routes from my MRA library to my TomTom 500 using my phone. And I know that you can do the same with the new Garmin XT.
@Con-Hennekens said in The Great Suggestion List:
Nice to find myself in the list
The actual suggestion was to "search routes based on X-distance form destantion an originating Y-distance from desired starting point" But I will forgive about the shortened versionMay I deposit another one here, for Navigation?
- Expand the on-screen information with current-time, direction or compass, Height, en maybe more. It could be placed on either side of a landscape navigation screen, since more map than really needed is shown when using landscape. Maybe even move speed etc to the same location.
And for MRA?
- Since we have the heightprofile information, it could be used for a "caravan & camper" function. As opposite to the curvy road functions, Caravan and Camper drivers could benefit from leaving out slopes beyond a certain parameter.
To add to myself (all for Navigation):
Most of these additions come from some frustration because of the fact that while navigating it frequently starts recalculating (sometimes while taking a wrong turn, sometimes spontaneously) and in some of those cases it start at the beginning of the route instead of the closest waypoint (ahead!). I am not sure why, but I think it has to do with the fact that where normally the remaining time and kilometers are shown, a text shows "calculating" instead for very long and very often. The navigation runs with no problems at that point. I did not have a chance to test, but I think having the system in off-line mode helps against that.
Een andere leuke mogelijk voor sommigen onder ons zou ook kunnen zijn dat je de MODE wanneer je een route hebt opgemaakt kan wijzigen van 'rijden' naar bv. 'fietsen' En je zodoende niet de gehele route opnuiew hoeft te maken maar hierin dan enkel wijzigen hoeft aan te brengen zoals het dan kunnen inrijden van baantjes 'enkel voor plaatselijk verkeer en fietsers'
@Steven-Van-Thuyne Rijmodus van de route kan je al wijzigen via de route-informatie als je de route geopend hebt:
Let wel: als de route dus initieel gemaakt is voor auto of motor rijden, kan je de modus weliswaar naar fietsen zetten maar je kan natuurlijk nooit zonder meer dezelfde route rijden... immers kom je met je fietsie niet over snelwegen bijv.
Hi, would it be possible for MRA Web to show timestamps on routes in the user's local timezone?
For example, I just updated a route and the timestamp is 01-11-20 03:33, in my timezone, it is currently 31-10-20 22:33.
Maybe allow the user to set their timezone in their profile?
Nice list, with interesting suggestions but ..
why not start with a "search function" in the Navigation App, or do you consider that a bug ?
@Wil-van-der-Helm said in The Great Suggestion List:
Nice list, with interesting suggestions but ..
why not start with a "search function" in the Navigation App, or do you consider that a bug ?
Hi @Wil-van-der-Helm. There is a search function in the Nav app. If you mean search for a route in your library, there are a couple of workarounds for now. You can make an event and add a group of routes to it making them easier to find when you select events from the Nav homepage. Or - if you adjust a route by a tiny amount or change itβs name, it will appear at the top of your route list in the Nav app.
Nick, Thanks
Don't know if it has been suggested before, but I would like to suggest being able to group friends into categories. Because I've made some MRA tutorials on YouTube people started inviting me to be friends. I have no problem with that, but it results in my friend view being swamped with people, while my real life friends aren't that visible anymore.
Is there a way to set the date format in my list of routes? I can't find it in my account settings, and a search of the forum did not turn up anything. Currently the dates display in European format, e.g. "14-10-20 17:15". I'd like to have the date display in American format, e.g. "10/14/20 17:15". Thank you.
@TJ-Higgins said in The Great Suggestion List:
Is there a way to set the date format in my list of routes? I can't find it in my account settings, and a search of the forum did not turn up anything. Currently the dates display in European format, e.g. "14-10-20 17:15". I'd like to have the date display in American format, e.g. "10/14/20 17:15". Thank you.
Iβm afraid for now, the date format canβt be changed. But it could happen on a future update, especially as youβve posted to this thread.
Hello. I also ride on trails & adventure riding in the UK, and to do this I (and most other trail riders) use Ordnance Survey (OS) maps that show byways and other roads open to wheeled/powered traffic.
Some riders use the Ordnance Survey app on their phones (but is is very basic with no routing ability etc) but most use an app called Viewranger that offers the OS maps as a paid subscription.
Viewranger has been bought by Outdooractive and this doesn't seem to offer all the functionality that we liked in the Viewranger app as it is more orientated towards walking and cycling. There is much discussion about what the alternatives are in the market, with no clear winner..
I think there is a gap in the motorcycling market (certainly in the UK) to offer the OS maps as a layer so that MyRoute could be used both on road and trail riding - just one app for all motorcycling activities.
Best wishes Piers