App Android Auto companion screen
Just an idea, I run Android Auto on a Capuride and I also have my phone mounted normally with the screen off just because it's easier to access and close to the charging point. Because of the limited screen space on Android Auto could there be an option for an customisable companion screen on the app that displays the info that is unable to be displayed on the AA screen. I put a lot of work into planning routes with all the rich content such as notes, photos etc only for them to unavailable on the AA screen.
@David-Rudgley, maybe a stupid question, but if you have your phone on your handlebar anyway, why not just use that for navigation instead of an AA screen?
@Con-Hennekens Not a stupid question, simply the Capuride is far more glove friendly and obviously optimised for touch screen and accessibility to driving/riding apps.
This is not possible unfortunately
Screen mirroring is a whole different thing than Android Auto itself.
There are screen mirroring devices but that is whole different world by itself. -
@Con-Hennekens I will also add, the phone is there as a backup on long tours, experience has taught me that electronic devices sometimes have a mind of their own and don't care that a human is relying on them
A second phone would do the same. Advantage of the mobile navigation, all information remains, which is not the case with the CP / AA application. That's also the reason why nothing makes me switch to CP / AA.
Good luck further
@David-Rudgley said in App Android Auto companion screen:
simply the Capuride is far more glove friendly and obviously optimised for touch screen
Yes, that is certainly a valid argument, along with the availability of active (charging) mounts many dedicated devices have.
I have been e-mailing Oukitel lately if it was not a business-model for them to add a Zumo-like device with native-Android to the stable. No camera, no telephony functions (but of course data SIM),no some other things too, glove friendly, dedicated active mount.
I think that many of their devices end-up being used for navigation purposes anyway
. The two most import things being good glove performance and half the price of a Thork tablet (and seeing their other rugged models, the latter must be the easiest requirement
I don't want to have a cheap device - I want to have excellent product for my money!
Cheap Copies may cheaper then original - but mostly doesn't have the same value/features.I like also to do my work as best as I can (no dirty shortcut. Therefore I want to get corresponding salary.
So, an Android Auto or similar couldn't be compared with a DMD with full functionalities
@Guzzist, If you read my comment again, you will see I was not talking about an AA/CP device, but about a native Android device
Also, I was not talking about cheap, rather about less expensive than a Thork. -
@Con-Hennekens sorry, but I did not mean you. It was written in the post about Carpuride, AA, and CP...
@Con-Hennekens Yes I have been looking at rugged tablet options but my main concern is the cost, size, weight and security. I'm looking forward to the next MRA update for AA and hopefully that will address a few more niggles.... I will do another touring season with the Capuride and see what the outcome is, whether MRA improves further with AA. So far I feel that the recent app improvements have kept me interested.
@Guzzist said in App Android Auto companion screen:
sorry, but I did not mean you.
Ah, in that case I am the one who is sorry