Travel time discrepancies
@Con-Hennekens You are right. My mistake. It's called "Car" so I'm not set on Motorcycle, but I still get the message every time I switch to OSM. What driving mode are you using in your profile?
@Con-Hennekens I overlooked the first part of your post. Thanks for the detailed explanation!
When i open de route you linked in a previous post the profile is set to motorcycle… -
@BertM Yes, I've changed it back and forth several time experimenting trying to figure out what's going on.
If you look at my previous post you'll see where I took a screenshot of my profile setting set to "Car' at the exact same time that the error message is appearing.
I even thought that perhaps MRA considered the routing mode when the route was created from the track and then ignored it from then on, however I created the route from scratch by importing a .gpx file with the mode set to Car, and as soon as I did I got the error message.
Thanks for the response!
@Corjan-Meijerink After riding the route last Wednesday it is possible the HERE map is using information about the roads when they were really torn up after Hurricane Helene at the end of last year as some of them were still in pretty bad shape when we rode them and you could see where one lane the road had been washed completely out.
If the HERE map is using data from late last year it is likely that at that time their estimation of the time that it would take to ride this route would be accurate. Perhaps a future map update will resolve the issue. That's a very plausible explanation.
Thanks! I don't like mysteries, and I'll consider this one solved!