MRA Routeplanner: gpx->edit: no streetnames given.
If I import a gpx-route as a route-track and hit the edit button in MRA routeplanner, no names are given to the routepoints. They all are Called "RoutePoint".
Improvement: During "changing the route-track to a Route" procedure give the points the streetnames on which they are. Just as if you would have moved the shapingpoint by hand. Q: Is this also done when imcreasing the number of shaping points?
Fixing this also gives a better pdf format (Yes: pdf is being used....)
The route:
The resulting pdf:
You still have to check the waypoints whether they are correctly positioned on the road, not on roundabouts, intersections, etc. When the points are placed correctly, the location data is retrieved. -
Hello Hans, If there are 70 shaping points at a route that is a lot of manual labour, which would result in moving ALL the points instead of the ones not being on the road. I agree: check should still be done Please reconcider, this is not user friendly.
. -
We see, what the future wil bring