The Great Suggestion List
Hi Timo Martosatiman,
Thanks for your valuable suggestions. I am new here but I love to read your all posts. I really enjoyed to read your another post in which you describe how to ask questions in this forum and how to discuss problems. I'll follow these guidelines which you mentioned in this article: -
Dear Arec,
First of all: welcome to the forum! Thank you for letting me know you appreciate those posts, it's really nice to get positive feedback in addition to the widely available constructive feedback.
Kind regards,
@Timo-Martosatiman-MRA Timo. As we are heading out of lockdown I have just started some route planning after a long break. I see you have implemented adding time to a waypoint. This was my personal number one request and I know others wanted it to. Thank you. You have implemented it well and it has already made a good difference to me planning a long route that involves a lot of sightseeing. I no longer have to sit down and add up all the morning stops that have different durations depending what they are for, to work out where I will be at lunch time when I know I will need to find somewhere to eat!. I can see it immediately and plan accordingly. Thank you for listening to your customers.
I have a feature request for a Toolkit option to turn all waypoints on a route to Garmin "Via" points (the hand icon)
I am aware there are other priorities in play so just hoping it could be done at some point in the future.
I am happy to do it manually for now.
I plan to use this functionality in conjuction with the Garmin specific "Beta" Export option
This is to ensure that a Garmin device will never "recalculate" a route and should effectively be similar to a Tom Tom "Track".Many thanks.
Hi Steve,
By using the option "compare route" from the toolkit, you arrange that the route for Garmin and TT is the same, you do this with formation points (normal route points) and not with via points.
The via points are intended to identify places you definitely want to visit for lunch, coffee, viewpoint, museum, etc. -
Hi Hans,
Yes you have helped me understand how the XT works now.
Please ignore my request or delete if you feel it couldl cause any confusion. -
Corjan Meijerink