@Nigel-Ralphson, I think you are trying to start a track navigation instead of a route navigation. track navigation only works with an active internet connection.
Offline Setup
Hi, I know this topic has been covered but I cant find anything which solves my issue.
I have downloaded the relevant country and the route I have created. I have also gone into "Functional" and switched "Offline navigation" on.
However, when I then select the route and press navigate it says " no internet connection - go offline". I click that and it says "offline navigation enabled - no route could be calculated using your offline map. To try again, we need to turn off the offline navigation" and gives me the option to go online.
Hence, I am confused!!
Where am I going wrong?
Re: Offline
One thing i can think of.
When navigating offline. Your route (file) should also be offline. This is setting in MRA. On the same page where you set "offline navigation". -
@Nigel-Ralphson. First make sure your maps were fully downloaded properly. This type of error is normally caused by a missing map.
@Nigel-Ralphson, I think you are trying to start a track navigation instead of a route navigation. track navigation only works with an active internet connection.
@Nigel-Ralphson thanks for your replies...unfortunately it's still not working.
@Con-Hennekens Hi Con, yes that's correct. However, if I use the route option it ignores my waypoints and just sends me on the fastest route.
@Nigel-Ralphson, can you visualize that? Screenshots or screen recording? I have no idea what you are looking at. If you have waypoints in your route, I don't really see how Navigation would not use them...
@Con-Hennekens Hi Con, please see pics. As you can see...if I click navigate and track it follows the route I've created. If I click route it comes up with a completely random route!
No it does not. The route is only extended. From point 1 to point 3 the route is identical.
The extra route to point 1 is from your current postion. You can disable it.A bit below the yellow "Start" button is an option. "Start from current location" Disable this and look at the result
@M-Schrijver Ah I didnt see that as it disappears very quickly. However, as you can see below with a different example the routes arent the same
Download the route for off-line use. Then goto downloads and start the route by clicking on the file wich is the route you want to drive
@Nigel-Ralphson, The last 3 pictures you posted:
Picture 1 is a route overview like you planned it in the planner
Picture 2 is the same route, but calculated for navigating with the HERE map AT THIS TIME (considering trafic information). This can be slightly different.
Picture 3 is a tracklog you recorded, which does not necessarily follow the route you planned.I really see nothing out of the ordinary (or I completely miss your point
Two things to try and see some results.Disable traffic-aware routing. When disabeling. The route in MRA Routeplanner and MRA Next could be the same.
Place more points between point 3 and 4. This way you force MRA Next more to follow the same route.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA thanks but done that
@Con-Hennekens I havent done the route yet! On a test if I follow the track it follows my planned route but if i follow the route it deviates,
@M-Schrijver thanks I'll give it a go
@Con-Hennekens Hi Con, I ran a route yesterday that I'd designed. My friend ran it in route mode and I ran it in track. The routes were completely different. The route mode just looked for the fastest point between waypoints whilst the track mode followed my prescribed route.
@Nigel-Ralphson, If you plan your route on the HERE map, differences while navigating can virtually only happen due to traffic. So if you did not encounter any traffic problems, it is a sign that you probably did not plan it on the HERE map, and that you have set way too less waypoints. You may share that route with us, so we can have a look. Without that, I don't see how we can be of further assistance.