Why not just use the + and - buttons for accurate Zoom levels?
Zoom one map
Hi, I am having I issue whenever I go to scroll to zoom with my mouse it is awfully hard to make it zoom in and out only little, I am wondering is this only me having this problem or do others have the same issue. Has anyone worked out a fix. I have tried all the settings I know of on my computer and yet no luck.
@Ay-Grynhaus On my Windows PC I go to Settings > Devices > Mouse and I can control the mouse settings.
Every scroll (no matter what configuration) will result in the same amount of zoom in MRA
Corjan Meijerink 2 Aug 2023, 13:51
Corjan Meijerink 2 Aug 2023, 13:55
Yes - I have this problem. I tried several Mouse configurations and even went as far as buying a model that someone said worked OK. But the zoom still does multiple zooms for one click of the wheel (and yes I have changed my mouse settings). However, I asked a colleague if I could use his mouse (Microsoft) and it worked and I found a wired rather than wireless mouse and that worked too. So why doesn't MRA like Logitech wireless mouse ?
Why not just use the + and - buttons for accurate Zoom levels?
@Lynchy67 I'm trying to understand why it doesn't work. I know about the + and - buttons but they don't explain anything
@Lynchy67, using the + and - I do not get more accurate zooming. It makes the same coarse steps as with the mouse. I am however not sure smaller steps would be nice to have, since it increases the amount of scrolling, and limits the speed of quick zooming.
Speaking for myself, The wish of finer zooming lays in getting a route on screen for making a printable screenshot. with as much detail as possible. A nice feature for that would be a highres route print option that eliminates the need for zooming onto a route as big as possible.
As far as I am aware, there are 17 steps of zoom available.
I think the issue is that some "Mouse" scrolls are a bit too sensitive and struggle to accurately use all the 17 steps.
As always happy to be corrected. -
I also agree with your Hi Res solution.
@Lynchy67, yes I think you are right. My mouse has a haptic click. On a normal website it moves in one click as much as 2.5 arrow key strokes. In the MRA planner however a click of the mousewheel is exactly the same as a + or - key stroke. (sorry, sometimes I am a sucker for detail