Track beginning far away
Hi there,
I planned a track with the MRA route planner. As I am living in Finland and the track starts in Germany until Italy it behaves unecpected . When I want to start it on the MyRoute-app it tells something like "its not defined for this kind of vehicle". After 2 minutes the map shows up, the app reacts very slow and in the left top corner a sign like a circle with a drop inside shows up but it is not starting to navigate. Cant figure out whats wrong. With a Garmin it is calculating to the first waypoint and continues. I also selected not to use my current location.
Regards Thomas
@Thomas-Neumeyer seems like you've done something wrong with the settings, choice of profile and maybe the map itself
@Thomas-Neumeyer, to start with, MRA Route planner plans routes not tracks. As it stands (in the web planner) you can only convert a route to a track by exporting it to gpx and re-import it as a route-track.
My guess is that you are trying to navigate a route with the MRA App that was planned in a map other than the HERE map, and with a vehicle selection that is not compatible with the HERE map.
You can share the route URL here (set it to public first!), then I wil take a look at it.
@Con-Hennekens Hello Con, thanks for the feedback. I compared iPhone with Android Active Tab were I had the issue. The settings were different. I removed "Route as a Track" and now the behavior is ok and with fast response of the app. Before the app has been stopping to work. Just wonder where the advantage is in this situation?
Regards Thomas
@Thomas-Neumeyer Hello, anybody a idea why the setting is making that problem? Maybe it is not present when I am closer to the route?