Track beginning far away
Hi there,
I planned a track with the MRA route planner. As I am living in Finland and the track starts in Germany until Italy it behaves unecpected . When I want to start it on the MyRoute-app it tells something like "its not defined for this kind of vehicle". After 2 minutes the map shows up, the app reacts very slow and in the left top corner a sign like a circle with a drop inside shows up but it is not starting to navigate. Cant figure out whats wrong. With a Garmin it is calculating to the first waypoint and continues. I also selected not to use my current location.
Regards Thomas
@Thomas-Neumeyer seems like you've done something wrong with the settings, choice of profile and maybe the map itself
@Thomas-Neumeyer, to start with, MRA Route planner plans routes not tracks. As it stands (in the web planner) you can only convert a route to a track by exporting it to gpx and re-import it as a route-track.
My guess is that you are trying to navigate a route with the MRA App that was planned in a map other than the HERE map, and with a vehicle selection that is not compatible with the HERE map.
You can share the route URL here (set it to public first!), then I wil take a look at it.