Spoken text of waypoints
Kan ik de tijd of afstand aanpassen van de voorgelezen tekst van waypoints
can i adjust the time or distance of the read out text of waypoints
Leike, unfortunately not.
The preannouncemwnt logic of MRA is for me also a bit disturbing.
For shaping points the droparrow you got the info at 700 m once and for the viaponts oar hard wayponts you got the info at 2 km without a repeat or contdown every 300 about from km 1 before reaching the point what you get for the final destination.I habe also to mention by tests I make here at home, the Information get in conflict when you have WPs for whatever need close together iin the range of the next one.
Sample you have a SP at 1,7 km bevor a next VP then the expected spoken confirmation of the SP blocks the prenotice of the VP.
Also route advices can bloc the preannouncement.
Also there ist a change for all these things I detect since intodruction of 4.3. it was a bit different before.
I have to do some additional tests regard to these findings.
I am not happy with these findings, because it makes MRA a bit trustless when you like to use Waypoints for Interim stops. -
Hi @Leike-Lodiers as @Peter-Schiefer says the announcement distance is fixed by the developers to 750m for Shaping points & 2km for Via points
Frankly I think this is a ludicrous setup & every time this subject is mentioned the argument that is trotted out "you want plenty of warning before arriving at the point" is just as ridiculous.
IMO the points should be fully announced at the location of the point, not some trivial "reached waypoint number", the full waypoint name should be announced at the point
There is the control option "number of voice prompts", this should also apply to waypoint announcements.
1 = full announcementat the exact point location
2 = full announcement atsome distance prior maybe n=200m
3 = full announcementa greater distance maybe n * 3
4 = full announcementan even greater distance n * 4& guess what if I select only 1 announcement I can control exactly where I get the announcement because I choose where I place the point
The above system puts the user in control of where the announcement is made not the developer
This is what i know from my Garmins and prevoious Navigons,
Hard Waipoints Via points will be announced 3 times with final confirmation by speaking the complete name you create for this WP. SP are only visible as a blue dot, not calls.
This is enough. Here are to much conflict potential by confirming each SP even when not prepared for announcemet with no digits in the name or additional remark, with spoken route advices and POIs.
Less is sometimes more. -
@Brian-McG I'm happy with the current setup. I do agree that waypoints not being announced should not interfere with waypoints to be announced.
Hans van de Ven MR.MRA
Brian McG