Position indicator is wildly erratic
I have recently been experiencing a problem while navigating. The position indicator moves around erratically, as if it is detached from my actual position. The end of the yellow line on the map always seems to be at my current position, but the arrow isn't in the same place. Because of auto zoom, sometimes (especially when at slower speeds or near junctions) this can mean that the arrow is on an entirely blank screen, i.e. the app has zoomed to where the arrow is (not my actual position) and there is nothing there to display. At least I think that's what is happening. When I speed up again, the arrow moves nearer to my position - presumably this is auto-zoom - but still seems to move around the exact position (as indicated by the end of the yellow line).
All direction indicators (distance to next turn etc) are correct all the time, it's just the main map display that's incorrect. Unfortunately, it's mainly at slower speeds (in town, for example) that I need to visualise exactly where I am!
The only fix I have is to close down the app and restart. When I do this, the problem is fixed for a short while, but always reoccurs. It may take 30 minutes, it may be after only a minute or two, but it goes wrong again. This continues for my entire journey. I have to restart maybe 5 or 10 times over a days ride.
I'm on iOS. I checked that MRA has permission for precise location. Unfortunately, this makes MRA fairly useless for me right now (I also have a Garmin luckily). This problem didn't seem to occur earlier this year on a different trip, back in April.
Just to add - when it's zoomed in on the wrong place, sometimes it looks like the screenshot in this post. I started a new topic because that post didn't describe the wandering arrow. Other times I can briefly see map details as they swing past, unlike what's described there.
@richtea, I recognize this... I even saw the virtual myself going straight over a roundabout while I was going left. The flyer corrected itself with a wide bow across areas where no roads are. After restarting the route all is okay for a while (say 10 to 30 minutes), then it recurred. When I wanted to report this I lookup the track, and saw no problem... The recorded track was perfectly fine!
@richtea, may I ask: were you driving a track (or curvy route) or a route with waypoints? I have never seen this behavior in (real) routes, only in tracks. At first I thought my CAT was getting too old
I seldomly ride tracks.
@Con-Hennekens I was riding a route that was generated in MRA planner.
@richtea, so much for my theory...
@Con-Hennekens ah well, at least you had a theory! I have no idea at all...
@richtea, yeah, it was kind like an "out of body experience" seeing your self driving straight passed a crossing where you will be going left in about 50 mtrs...
But I am reassured to know I am not the only one
My brother and I have the same issue. We're touring in the Eifel area and regularly the position indicator gets desynchronised from the actual position. When driving curvy hairpin roads it is essential to have a good view of what comming up. We're both using MRA on Android and with Android Auto devices on our motorcycles.
I am having the same issue. I was recently on a 4 day ride and had to stop navigation and then restart repeatedly. Once you restart the arrow indicator ends up on the route again. This is aggravating because if the indicator is "wandering" at the same time the route zooms in you lose any ability to see the turn. This was not an issue on my last ride less than 4 weeks ago. Any help would be appreciated.
I had the same problem, 3-4 times during last weekend. I'm not sure but it could be related to the autozooming function, next time I will test the simple top view without autozoom.