Yes, I have already decided to plan the 98 days of touring in Basecamp, which is a real shame, as I like the look of MRA, but without the real time calculations, it takes too long to be continually making those time calculations manually. Basecamp too has its faults, but they are mainly centred around its ease of use, especially for new users. That is where MRA has an advantage, but at present it isn't comprehensive enough to be considered a serious player. Maybe one day it will, but when I read things like you said "the ability to download all my routes to my pc once a year for backup purposes" that is extremely worrying, as without a backup, if MRA fails and shuts up shop, big users could possibly lose years of work. I therefore feel your pain. My routes are so valuable to me, I back mine up every week.
All of this is a real shame, as just producing lists like the one you pointed to is just a suggestions list, with no real indication about what will or wont be included. Sure I get it that the developers don't want to make promises they cannot deliver, but that doesn't really help the most important people - the end users. By saying 'Show and possibly edit times for each waypoint' on the suggestions list means to me waiting for something that might or might not happen at some future point in time is, well, to be honest, completely useless. What we need is a commitment, not a vague 'maybe'.
It must be just as frustrating for MRA themselves, because they must see that many riders have lots of time recently and at the moment, due to not being able to ride much, but they can plan future rides - there must be a lot of that going on, but MRA must realise they have already missed this opportunity to get the next version out there to please users, instead of possibly driving them away onto more complete products.
Hey ho, they must know what they are doing, but the recent price lowering must be a concern for many, as it indicates MRA might need income at speed. It is silly really, but all MRA have to do is give some confidence back by actually saying what their plans are / what is coming in order to restore confidence in their users. It would give us all such a boost. In the meantime, I am starting my 98-day task on Basecamp.
Okay, all of this might sound a bit negative, but believe me, I really want to support MRA and use their product, but there are too many unknowns at the moment, which is a real shame, as it did look at one stage as they had an approach that was refreshingly new.