Search function
When typing in the search bar for a business (or any other intended destiantion/stopping point), if the search results bring back mulitple searches that use the same name, the address (street, city, etc) is more times than not, not seen in the search bar, leaving the only option to 'guess' at which one it is. And if you guess wrong, then one has to go through the entire process again.
Is there a way to expand the search bar, or identify what the address associated with the search term is so that the correct search is selected?
@GT-JWR Doesn’t typing McDonalds, Oxford reduce the search hits? Or whatever business you’re searching for.
@Nick-Carthew yes, it does. However, depending on the length of the actual name and the amount of hits returned, the address is still not visible. See the snipit below as an example.
Would it be possible that when the cursor is put over an address, that a pop up window comes up that displays the entire address? Or better yet, when the cursor hovers over it, it shows the location on the map (similar to Google Maps)?
Seems like something that can be improved!
@GT-JWR Good suggestion
@Corjan-Meijerink checking to see if this is something that has made the cut on the list of improvements? Thanks.
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