Low volume on voice prompts
I am using MRA Navigation more now but struggle with the volume of the prompts, especially when using Android Auto in my motorhome, or Bluetooth on my car audio, the phone (Samsung S22) will play music and navigation to the device but I have to have the music too loud to be able to hear the directions. I do not get this problem with Google maps. I have set the volume to the highest in the app.
@Steve-Bendell Download the Sound Assistant app from the Galaxy store. That will allow you to set volume per app.
@D-A-Wakefield Thanks will give it a try
@Steve-Bendell, actually, during my vacation I discovered that Google Maps has the exact same problem on my phone (and worse!). It did not have that previously, and I can find no means of correcting that.
The sound app is working, needs a bit of fiddling to set it up correctly but solved this problem.
Personally I also find the voice prompts to soft using an Apple Device.
Last week I was using the instructions in combination with some music.
During the time my music was playing I noticed that the prompts were to soft to overcome the music.Maybe there could be an option to pause the music during instruction instead of just lowering the volume?
I also confirm that volume on iPhone is too low even setting volume on MyRoute- App as "full".
If I'm hearing music, is almost impossible to interpretate audio guidelines from app.
If app can low audio output for other apps, will be a good idea (as Amigo, Tomtom, etc.)
I tested it on 2 iphones with same behavior.
@Lluis-Arasanz update for next week has different audio channel configurations for iOS which will most likely solve the issues.
@Corjan-Meijerink Will the update contain improvements for Android as well
Perfect!!!! I'm waiting for it ...
@Marinus-van-Deudekom yes. But what exactly are you referring too?
Corjan has probably already solved it in the next beta, but just in case, here's what we found on a recent trip:
- changing the volume control whilst MRA is speaking increases the volume as expected
That was on Android
Possible reason (with my highlight):
By default, pressing the volume control modifies the volume of the active audio stream. If your app isn't currently playing anything, hitting the volume keys adjusts the music volume (or the ringer volume before Android 9).Hope that may be of use.
@richtea999, yes, but nav voice and music are the same stream. So if you up the voice you up the music too. There does not seem to be a seperate audiochannel voor speech on Android
I guess we are gonna have to stalk Google about that...
@Corjan-Meijerink it would be a great step forward if we could start MRA when Android radio is already running. For me it is impossible to start it while Android radio is already running. Thé only way that I can get MRA running in thé car is to start MRA first and then start my car and as a result Android radio
@Marinus-van-Deudekom yes, we are working on that now!
Next update will have some minor improvements that hopefully solve some issues people have but we are deep diving into the matter now. -
Jack van Tilburg