Routeplanner Suggestion: Remember last used map
- In de routeplanner onthouden in welke laatste map je was als je bijvoorbeeld een gpx onder je route wilt leggen ter vergelijk (niet steeds de hele boom van mappen door moeten bladeren voor de volgende gpx). Wordt op sommige plekken wel gedaan, maar op andere weer niet.
- The last-used-map functionality is not configured consistant. At one place a last used map is remembered, at other places it is not. For instance: when editing a route and wanting to lay a gpx of other route under it: menu Routes>Add route.
I share the same frustration. The big one is the overlay - it’s annoying having to change to the Google hybrid overlay every time I open a route, or turn on the avoid unplanned roads and disable seasonal closures every time I create a route
Corjan Meijerink 2 Aug 2023, 13:53
@Dae-0 I agree, this seems like a simple feature that would add a lot of convenience to route planning. I use the Google Map feature almost exclusively, and would like to save it as a 'user preference'.