Openstreetmaps instead of Here maps
I tryed the new MRA navigation Beta. It is very nice app with good futures.
Well Done.
Wat I do not like is the Here Maps, it gives the same problems like the old one.
There are no details on the map. I can not see a side road or railroad (safety).
If there is a Jam stop you cant see where to go by your self. You have to use other apps like Osmand too. The colors of the map are white, light grey and blue, not very usefull, because there is not enough contrast.
MRA Beta navigates over a distance from 250 meters, this should be 1000 meters like Kurviger Beta.
Poi icons are too small, totally not readable.
Here maps is not the same as the Basecamp map. its missing roads, and has other rules.
I really hope MRA navigation app come with Openstreetmaps very soon.
I know this sound very negative, sorry for that. I really like the new app, but the map is crap. -
@Henk-de-Wit-1 we wish to add different map layers later on
@Corjan-Meijerink That would be very nice. Thank you for the answer. Keep on Going this way.
@Corjan-Meijerink Map layers or also effectively calculate routes in other maps?
@Bart-DM, only map layers
@Con-Hennekens I thought so
@Corjan-Meijerink is this still something thats being worked on or considered? using openstreets map instead of here on the phone that is. so many routes i create on the website (even on the here overlay) are just messed up when using it on the phone to navigate
@mdj that issue won't just be solved because the app will always continue to use HERE for the route calculations.
My recommendation would be to create the routes in the website using the HERE map or drive your OSM routes as tracks in the app
Adding more maplayers for navigating is still on our backlog!
@Corjan-Meijerink oh i see, then i must have misunderstood - thank you for clarifying.
and i have been creating them on the here map layer in the browser, and it looks fine. it just doesnt translate when opening it on the phone. sadly my trial membership expired yesterday, so i cant open the route anymore in the right layer. but it looked the same
anyway, thanks for the relpy and all the best to the team
This post is deleted! -
@Henk-de-Wit-1 said in Openstreetmaps instead of Here maps:
Here maps is not the same as the Basecamp map. its missing roads, and has other rules.
That is because the map in Basecamp is another map, then the map is used by MRA. MRA uses the latest map from Here.
@mdj said in Openstreetmaps instead of Here maps:
...and i have been creating them on the here map layer in the browser, and it looks fine. it just doesnt translate when opening it on the phone.
A maplayer is just a visual representation of a map, not the basis on which routes are calculated. You need to use the HERE map, not the maplayer.
@Con-Hennekens hey thanks for the reply! i understand that, and the route was indeed created with the here-map. i couldnt post a screenshot with it enabled because my trial subscription ended. but as i said, it was exactly the same - displayed correctly in the web-browser and was a total mess on my phone.
@mdj, I am pretty sure it was NOT created with the HERE map, because if I compare the exact same spots, the HERE map has totally NO roads in that area, where the OSM map does. I think that area has recently been developed?
@Con-Hennekens ah yes there are no roads there for sure. that why i set all the waypoints in that part to "skip, i dont expect any proper navigation but i expected to see on my phone the line like i set it in the browser. thats how understood the "skip" feature to work "forget the routing and just show me a line to the waypoint, i know what im doing"... obviously it seems like i dont know what im doing
but anway, the route was still created with here because when i tried to open it after my trial expired it told me so.i know i can export the route as a .gpx file and reimport it as a track, and it would work. but i can do the very same with free solutions allready. i hoped MRA could give me on-road navigation together with just "straight line to waypoint" when i set the waypoint to skip
@mdj, Ah, that changes EVERYTHING!
You could have the HERE map activated, but in that case you had also the maplayer for OSM active, because that one shows the little trees and stuff (OSM has better TOPO support than HERE actually, so I understand why you would want to choose that layer). Fact is that where the online planner supports the Offroad function, the App actually does not (yet). So that seems to be the problem you encountered then.Is this a feature you use often? I guess it will get to the app in due time. Is there another reason you let your trial expire?
@Con-Hennekens no that was actually the only reason.
i really liked the webinterface for route-planing. there are some little things i would love to see improved, like the POI System or a dark-mode for the interface, but overall its great.
but the fact that the route i make in the browser is not 100% the exact same one that i see on my phone kinda defeates the purpose for me. i ride offroad a lot and i understand that i cant have navigation along a non-existing road
but i just want the "straight line to waypoint" -like i see it in the browser- also on my phone. that single feature alone is the main selling point for me.
@mdj, that is a pitty, because the planner and navigation combo really works well, and I cannot think of any combination having a better planner-to-navigator result than the MRA combo. Know that:
- the offroad (straight line to waypoint) function will definitely get implemented in due time. That will make offroad use possible in the navigation module too.
- there is an overhaul of the webinterface coming up too, I think somewhere this year.
So it will be worthwhile to check back regularly. That having said, for really frequent Offroad trips like TET, there probably are other apps better suited. I think I need to be honest about that
I will presume you are aware of OsmAnd.
It has a farely steep learning curve and at a pretty reasonable cost. -
@Lynchy67 yes thank you. thats my current software. for the planing and osmand on the phone. it works perfectly but is way less elegant.
@Con-Hennekens i will definitely keep an eye on MRA, its really 90% awesome, but the last 10% are what i need it for the most
anyway, thank you for your time and help