English please!! :-/
I understand that the developer is Dutch, but It's kind of hopeless to browse through topic after topic written in Dutch...
I wouldn't ask a question in Norwegian... Can't at least the general forums be in English?? -
Google Translate can do that for you. -
I'm not sure that Google Translate helps to find topics (written in Dutch) when you're looking for a solution.
If this forum fulfills a reference function, it would be useful to have certain topics in English.
At the same time, it is also the case that many solutions and instructions can be found in the Support section of Routelab in various languages. -
Hello Finn-Gunnar,
you are absolutely right! You find the following instructions in "general forum rules" in the category "General discussion".@Steve-Lynch said in English please!!
Google Translate can do that for you.
I`m sorry, Steve, it's not me and Finn-Gunnar who have to use a translation program (which i do) but all the other non-english speaking members!
RonniMRAtimo 3. Juli 2019, 18:23 Hello Community! Below you fill find the General Forum Rules, follow these rules in all forums at all times. In each forum, always make sure to take a look if there are specific extra guidelines or rules for that forum. **The most important rule: all content is to be posted in English 🇬🇧** unless the post is made in the language specific area in the Self Support forum.
I can cope with posts that start in non English as they are entirely in one language my main issue is you are following a thread started in English with lots of interaction in English then someone joins in with a different language so all existing contributors have to translate rather than just one non English contributor.
Tough to resolve though as everyone does their own thing.
I’m probably missing lots but I’ve lost motivation to even read posts in non English (typical lazy English only that’s me!) But then I can’t help those who chose to post non English in the Non local sport areas.
As an English man I feel that I should participate in this discussion.
Most of us Brits that use English as our mother tongue are not as adept as our friends from across the water at conversing in another language. Non English speakers are constantly bombarded with songs, films and advertisements all in English so you’ll pick up a lot of English inadvertently via osmosis. The same cannot be said for for us poor Brits
We also tend to be very lazy when it comes to learning a new language because we don’t have to, when we travel abroad, all you foreigners already speak English,
I therefore agree that ALL posts should be in EnglishJoking aside, I do think that if a topic is started in one language, the replies should remain in the same language.
On my iPhone, if I highlight some text I can choose to translate it, see the pictures below. Google translate is a good tool but often the details of a question or answer can be lost.
I always hope that users will look into the support section and/or here on the forum to see if their question can already be answered there.
That's why I wrote here earlier that the forum could also have a function of source of information. That said, English is often quite practical as a working language. -
On my iPad Pro Google Translate can automatically translate all the forum posts that are not in English in one go.
I mainly us this for forum posts from users not using English.
I do use the Support when I need to however. -
Given the skills of most users, that doesn't seem like a great solution to me. -
Jaja... Siden de fleste tydeligvis har en løsning på hvordan man oversetter en GLOBAL TJENESTE fra nederlandsk til sitt eget språk, så er dette tydeligvis ikke et så stort problem som jeg trodde...
MEN, jeg tror at de som gidder å oversette fra nederlandsk, er de som leter etter løsningen på et problem... Hvis jeg PUBLISERER et problem på norsk, tror jeg virkelig ikke mange gidder å oversette for å se hva jeg sliter med...
Derfor mener jeg det er en språk-diskriminering som man burde prøve å rydde opp i...
Jeg betaler for, og abonnerer på MANGE ulike "globale" online-tjenester, men har aldri opplevd å føle at "shit, dette er jo bare for japanere, kinesere, svensker, tyskere, eller lignende".
Her virker det som om jeg må kunne snakke nederlandsk for å ha utbytte av tjenesten. Dette startet trolig som en nederlandsk tjeneste, men nå har dere kunder fra hele verden...
Min bønn er at dere ber nederlendere om å publisere på engelsk før dere svarer, eller at dere henviser nederlandske spørsmål til det nederlandske forumet...
Takk for oppmerksomheten... -
@Finn-Gunnar-Frostad said in English please!!
Jaja... Siden de fleste tydeligvis har en løsning på hvordan man oversetter en GLOBAL TJENESTE fra nederlandsk til sitt eget språk, så er dette tydeligvis ikke et så stort problem som jeg trodde...
MEN, jeg tror at de som gidder å oversette fra nederlandsk, er de som leter etter løsningen på et problem... Hvis jeg PUBLISERER et problem på norsk, tror jeg virkelig ikke mange gidder å oversette for å se hva jeg sliter med...
Derfor mener jeg det er en språk-diskriminering som man burde prøve å rydde opp i...
Jeg betaler for, og abonnerer på MANGE ulike "globale" online-tjenester, men har aldri opplevd å føle at "shit, dette er jo bare for japanere, kinesere, svensker, tyskere, eller lignende".
Her virker det som om jeg må kunne snakke nederlandsk for å ha utbytte av tjenesten. Dette startet trolig som en nederlandsk tjeneste, men nå har dere kunder fra hele verden...
Min bønn er at dere ber nederlendere om å publisere på engelsk før dere svarer, eller at dere henviser nederlandske spørsmål til det nederlandske forumet...
Takk for oppmerksomheten...For the benefit of non Norwegian speakers:
Well... Since most people clearly have a solution on how to translate a GLOBAL SERVICE from Dutch into their own language, this is clearly not as big a problem as I thought...
BUT, I think that those who bother to translate from Dutch are those who are looking for the solution to a problem... If I PUBLISH a problem in Norwegian, I really don't think many people bother to translate to see what I'm struggling with.. . That's why I think it's language discrimination that you should try to clean up...
I pay for and subscribe to MANY different "global" online services, but have never experienced the feeling that "shit, this is only for Japanese, Chinese, Swedes, Germans, or the like". Here it seems that I need to be able to speak Dutch to benefit from the service. This probably started as a Dutch service, but now you have customers from all over the world... My plea is that you ask dutch people to post in english before replying or that you refer dutch questions to dutch forum... Thank you for your attention...
@Finn-Gunnar-Frostad Oh no - my iPhone won’t translate Norwegian
My point exactly! I can't search a problem if the answer is in Dutch... And if my thread about translation, was about something else, it would not have been translated....:-/ -
@Finn-Gunnar-Frostad said in English please!!
My point exactly! I can't search a problem if the answer is in Dutch... And if my thread about translation, was about something else, it would not have been translated....:-/I invite you to take a look at the <SelfServiceForum> at the different languages. You can see that "TopPosters" are also active there and often in the language of the relevant forum section.
Admittedly there is no Norwegian section. But I expect it will come if there is enough enthusiasm for it.That doesn't alter the fact that I agree with you and that English could be used more often in the general areas of this fine forum.
Hi all!
I thought this would be a good moment to actually respond here.
Yes, we would prefer all messages in a non language specific section to be posted in English. This to facilitate most users in understanding the post. However: the largest part of our community is Dutch, followed by English and German users. All these people tend to prefer posting in their own language and no, I absolutely do not blame them. Unfortunately 2/3 of these groups is a language the other one won't understand.
As a Dutch company, we can obviously respond in Dutch and even German (at least for me personally) is no issue.
We won't strictly enforce a language as that would be very user unfriendly. But I do understand the frustration of not being able to read everything, sorry for that @Finn-Gunnar-Frostad!
I cannot speak for the community but as MyRoute-app (and myself personally) we will communicate all important stuff on the forum in English. The announcement section is a great example of this: https://forum.myrouteapp.com/category/1/announcements
I would love to stimulate everybody to use English but there isn't a lot I can do as strictly enforcing a language will result in a very suboptimal situation and probably even in the end of an active forum.
At least this community self service part, will always be in english https://forum.myrouteapp.com/category/11/en-forum-self-service and the same goes for all MRA communication.
Thanks for bringing up this topic @Finn-Gunnar-Frostad