Tracking stops
I suspect that you have accidentally paused the tracklog, when saving the tracklog you will get a straight line from where the tracklog is paused to the point where it is saved and restarted.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master When driving a route, the tracking is automatically started if you have configured it that way in the menu. Only when driving an A-B route you can pause the track, and it doesn't automatically resume after the pause, I believe. It depends on what type of navigation TS initiated... a route with waypoints or an A-B route?
You can also pause the track when driving a route -
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master, yes you can. But auto-tracking-start only works for planned routes. You can start tracking on A2B routes as well, and of course you can pause them. They just will not auto-resume. If you manually start the tracking function, you will also have to resume it manually.
I know -
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master but then it wil auto-resume if initiated in the menu. That's why it is interesting to know wat TS is navigating, a route or A2B and what his configuration is.
I was not using my phone to navigate. I was only using it to create a track as I rode. I started the tracking function when I first started in the morning and did not touch any controls all day. This was not the first time it happened. I posted the one I did as an example.
Here are a couple more. -
@Rod-Sydenham That is clear then. Or perhaps there's poor GPS reception in that area?
@Rod-Sydenham I've seen issues like that when I did not have Internet access.
My Garmin InReach worked fine as did Osmand tracking.
If you need internet access for tracking, it pretty much negates the usefulness of the tracking features in a lot of cases. -
@Rod-Sydenham tracking is independent of internet.
Is your phone mounted on your motorcycle or do you put it in your tank bag or do you put it in your jacket?
I suspect that the pause button is activated somehow -
@Rod-Sydenham I was refering to GPS reception not internet.
I had the phone in my jacket packet. It was running both Myroute tracking and Osmand tracking. My InReach was also in my pocket. Both the Inreach and Osmand worked fine and did not have the gaps the Myroute track did. I don't think GPS reception is the issue.
That would make sense but at the end of each day when I shut the tracking down, it still appeared to be running.
@Rod-Sydenham, Probably the result of aggressive battery savings by your OS. I would check that on a per app basis.
I checked the battery saving settings for Myroute. They are the same (off) as they are for Osmand. Osmand tracked on the roads I rode so I don't think it was that.
I will continue to monitor it although now that winter has set in here, I won't have much opportunity.