Statement regarding battery usage
@Martin-Wilcke said in Statement regarding battery usage:
Maybe the power consumption depends a lot on the smartphone model?
For sure, and probably mainly on the internal graphics engine. It feels like the graphics engine is used 100% whatever settings are used. Less capable graphical logic leads to less problem with drainage. Therefore the problem is likely more eminent on high(er)-end phones.
Herko ter Horst
@Corjan-Meijerink this issue appears unresolved. I'm still having an issue.
How do we fix it. I can't use if battery runs out before I get where I'm going
@Shawn-Graham well that’s correct
They have made minor improvements but yet the real fix still needs to be found! -
Chris Thorpe
I been using Scenic app and it used HERE maps in Version 3 and did not have any battery drain issues. I tried MRA because Scenic changed to OSM in V4 and currently has too many bugs from the switch. MRA does have a real problem with battery usage, I could easily use Scenic (V3=HERE maps) while running waze and spotify in the background and my phone would be charged to 100% very often by the time I reach stops or even at the end of the ride, I went on a very short ride the other day with MRA and spotify/waze in the background and by the time I got home my battery was at 69%... So a real problem given it's always charging and despite the thread here talking about HERE being the culprit, Scenic did not have this problem. Very unfortunate as I liked MRA but can't use it for long rides because of the very high battery usage.
This has been my experience comparing Scenic/MRA too.2 days ago I used MRA for 5 hours and returned home to a phone battery of 27%. Only 2 weeks ago I did a full week tour of 200+ miles each day (8 hours) using Scenic, and never arrived at a hotel with less that 40% battery. That's 3 hours extra usage but with 13% less battery usage. Yes, I could plug my phone in, but with Scenic I never have to.
As you say, until the recent move to OSM Scenic was using NEXT. To be fair though, there was a battery drain issue similar to MRA early last year, but the developer fixed it.
@Dae-0 I used to have similar issues I use an S21 ultra phone with a Quadlock Wireless Charger and a Packtalk and on a trip at lunchtime I would have to charge the phone with a battery pack as it would be less than 50%, I then started playing music on a spare phone and that helped reduce the drain by about 50%, now with the same phone, cardo and listening to music on the S21 Ultra but charging the phone wired I get 100% all day.
@Adventurer86276 said in Statement regarding battery usage:
despite the thread here talking about HERE being the culprit, Scenic did not have this problem.
HERE offers multiple developer platforms. Scenic was probably using an older one. The old MRA "previous" app also did not suffer from powerdrain, despite using HERE maps. HERE's own current WeGo app though, suffers from the same powerdrain, and is built upon the same SDK as the Navigation Next app. So, it is not simply by choice of the map-provider, but of the SDKs they offer to developers.