Testing Navigation Next while driving around ijsselmeer (NL)
Hi y'all,
Previously I shared a post on the Navigation Next forum where I showed the progress made with the new Navigation (Next) app. After months of development the app is finally in a stage where we can actually drive some decent long routes
For those thinking: "what is Navigation Next?", please visit https://mranavigationnext.app/.
Today it was time to put the app to an absolute test during a long drive around The Netherlands. I always wanted to drive around the ijsselmeer so why not do so in one go?
I created a nice route (https://www.myrouteapp.com/route/open/6812781), convinced my girlfriend to join me and prepared everything.
Long story short, I loved every single minute of the ride. Not just because of the amazing weather and relaxing drive but also because the app I've been working on served it's purpose amazingly. Obviously, there were some details that were not yet working perfect but nothing we can't fix
To be honest, all encountered bugs will probably be fixed in a single morning while sipping my thee.
I also really don't mind sipping a nice hot chocolate. The weather was splendid but it's still November so quite often it was really fresh
Driving with the app, skipping waypoints where necessary and taking photo's while tracking worked flawlessly. All in all, no real complaints from my side.
We wanted to drive a nice road right next to the ijsselmeer at sunset because of the lovely views. With some excellent planning (using all features in the MRA Routeplanner
) we were able to time it perfectly. Took a small break so I could enjoy the sunset with the biggest love of my life
Oh....my girlfriend was also there. She knows she's second but that is fine. I think you all know how that works
Anyhow, tomorrow another 8 hour drive planned with Michel and Serge to do some more testing. For those interested, we're going to drive: https://www.myrouteapp.com/route/open/6816294 based on this beautiful RouteXpert route by Leonor https://www.myrouteapp.com/nl/motor-and-car-routes/be/Antwerpen/6716884/Rondrit-Brabantse-Kempen-in-het-gebied-van-Zwarte-Kaat-en-de-dansende-katten
You'll hear more from me later!
I'll keep on pushing the boundaries of Navigation Next to ensure this app will blow you all awayCheers,
CorjanDisclaimer: All screenshots of the app show UI eligible to change as the app is currently under development
Corjan Meijerink
@Corjan-Meijerink Iโm really really happy for you mate. All the hard work that you and Joost have been doing is beginning to pay off. Iโm really looking forward for beta testing to begin. Bravo my friend
The first screenshots looks fine. Thx for the development of this navigator, for you and the whole team.
I'm sure it will be a great navigator for the motorcyclist,..I look forward to test the beta version of the navigator.
Congrats on this milestone @Corjan-Meijerink
@Corjan-Meijerink have a nice ride on monday
@Corjan-Meijerink hope the ride went well today!
Corjan Meijerink
It was a great day of testing today!
Corjan Meijerink