Adjust order of waypoints without map route recalculating
It would be very useful, especially having merged routes, to be able to change the order of waypoints without the map/route re-calculating every time a single waypoint is re-ordered.
And now I will wait for Con to tell me it is already possible, and how to do it
I made a good impression I suppose
What exactly is the benefit of NOT recalculating after each re-order in your opinion?
@Con-Hennekens Yesterday I merged a route from the library into one of my existing routes with 50 waypoints. You can only merge the new route at the beginning or end of your route. Then you need to manually move each of the new waypoints (about 30 in the imported route) to the required location in your route.
This takes a long time as the map is recalculating every time you move one waypoint.
If there was a toggle / button to disable route planning, then I could quickly move the 30 new waypoints to the correct location and order in my route and then switch route planning back on.
That is the benefit.
@Tom-Grzelinski You could split your route or the route from the library and then merge.
I’ve had this, or similar issues in the past. The lack of being able to multi-select waypoints and move/delete them can cause headaches.
It’s a pain when you have a load of points to move and need to do it one at a time. I sometimes find that I move one and mentally note the old/new waypoint numbers. After a few points I start thinking “is that the new number 39, or the old one….”
One such time was recently - I had a route that was a loop from a previous hotel we’d stayed in. This time we were in a different hotel that was part way round the loop. What I needed to do was “rotate” the waypoints. Basically shuffle them around until number 16 was the new 1, 17 the new 2 etc. In the end I exported it, loaded it into Scenic (as this has this feature built in, as well as allowing for batch deleting or moving of points), exported it and then pulled it back into MRA.
@Nick-Carthew Yes, you could. But I feel that is unnecessary complication.
For me, I would use this feature quite a lot. Each year I use MRA to plan a European trip. I have one master route that I work on for 6-8 months before breaking it in to single day routes just before the trip. My master route typically has more 1-200 waypoints. As I work on the master route it would be a pain to split and merge each time I want to integrate another route. I also frequently decide to change my route and need to re-order waypoints to change the direction of travel.
I have felt the need for this feature for a while.
@Dae-0 Yes, I have had this problem too, forgetting which number I am supposed to move the next waypoint to in the list!
Regarding multiple waypoint selection and deletion - I agree but that is another subject though!
The reason I raised it was because in this situation you (we) could multi select all the points of the route that’s been added to the end, and drag all of its points to the correct place in one motion. That way the recalculation wouldn’t be an issue and would solve your (our) problem.
This post is deleted! -
@Dae-0 Yes, this would work too
But there is one other problem of re-ordering multiple waypoints when changing direction of a road.
@Dae-0 said in Adjust order of waypoints without map route recalculating:
It’s a pain when you have a load of points to move and need to do it one at a time. I sometimes find that I move one and mentally note the old/new waypoint numbers. After a few points I start thinking “is that the new number 39, or the old one….”
Yes this is recognizable
Instead of disabling calculation, I think it would be nicer to to have a feature that moves multiple WP at once, by selecting them in advance. This way you can move complete sections of the route, and have just one recalculation.