MRA and Zumo XT 2
I tried a lot back and forth how best to transfer the routes created in MRA to the Garmin zumo xt2.
I've noticed that there are some hurdles.MRA suggests to transfer in 1.2 gpx format, unfortunately this format leads to the error that the waypoints are not transferred.
Only the VIA points will be transferred.
I have equipped my routes with more via points, so that the planning, then also the course I want. However, this leads to problems with the Traad app, which splits the route at these points and resets the setting for Adventure Planning in each case.
If you want a good result, you should export gpx from MRA with the format 1.1, which also takes over the normal waypoints. -
Nick Carthew
The gpx 1.2 file is a route track with via points. A Garmin can process a maximum of 29 hard points (via points) in a route. If you add more via points to a route, the zumo will split the route.If you want to see all the way points in your zumo, you should indeed use the gpx 1.1.
The Tread App does not handle routes well, but it does handle Tracks well, which is probably due to Garmin Explore.
Save your route as gpx 1.1 (route, track, POI) on your pc. Then send it to the sd card in your XT2 and import the route and the track in the trip and track app.
Your route contains shaping points (the droplets) and waypoints (via points, the hand). Garmin allows 29 waypoints in a route with in between each waypoint 127 or so shaping points. If you route contains more than 29 waypoints, split up your route in e.g. morning and afternoon. Otherwise the gps will do it for you. -
Definitely use gpx 1.1 with the Zumo XT2 (at least for now). Tread/Zumo XT will not read the Track sent over in the 1.2 format, so all of your shaping points will be lost and your route will just be shortest distance between Via points.
No need to use an SD card - and why would you in the 21st century?
Just export your route in 1.1 from your phone/tablet to Garmin Tread, and it will sync wirelessly with the XT2.
This way, you do not need to add more Via points. I don't know what the limit of shaping points is, but I have not found it yet.
@Alasdair-Denton-Miller I'm having the same issues with the XT2 as well. Infuriating.
I've found that by exporting in 1.2, the shaping points are lost.
I've then found that if I use GPX 1.1, and then import into Tread - I get two tracks, but one with TRACK before the name. I don't understand why one is not a route.
Boy, so many of my experiences with Tread have been disasters - I totally do not trust it to not corrupt my routes. I have quit using Tread entirely and gone to exporting routes to my XT2 via downloads to a micro SD card. Since switching to this approach, I haven't had any route corruption problems. Yes, I don't get the traffic & weather info, etc., but I also don't get wildly different routes from my friends using the same gpx files on their Zumo XT's (which don't use Tread) -
Then you have more then 60 points in your route. Tread makes 2 tracks in that case
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MR-MRA So, is 60 the limit?