Inserting Waypoints
Re: Inserting a waypoint on an established route
This is the one part of MyRoute-App that is really giving me trouble and I could use some advice.
The difficulty relates specifically to adding a waypoint between two existing waypoints. There are two parts to this post...
On my computer, it is easy enough to place the mouse cursor over the existing route, pause briefly until the new waypoint icon appears, and then click to insert a waypoint. That works fine and is ideal if I want to adjust the route slightly at that point by dragging the newly inserted waypoint. When it doesn't work fine is when I want to insert the waypoint at a location NOT near the existing route (something that would require dragging a newly inserted waypoint across much greater (often out of view) areas of the map.
On my iOS devices (iPhone and iPad - the devices I have with me when I'm traveling the routes I create and which are used more often than a computer for route creation), there is no cursor to hover over an existing route. The only way I can insert a waypoint is to zoom WAY in on a route and then tap on the route and hope I hit it exactly with my fingertip. Often I don't and I end up with a waypoint that is at the end of my route. I then have to tap on it, delete it, and try again. Sometimes I get lucky and a new waypoint is created between existing waypoints, but often this is a trial-and-error process that takes a few attempts. And when it works, I'm now back to the problem above where I need to zoom way out and drag this new waypoint to my desired point (often only an approximate location because I've had to zoom so far out on the map).
It seems as thought there should be some sort of "insert" mode that allows me to tap a route segment and then tap wherever I'd like to place the new waypoint, allowing MyRoute-App to then recalculate that section of the route from one end of the selected route segment, through the new waypoint, and then to the other end of the selected route segment.
Or, perhaps I'm just totally doing this wrong!
Any advice (or links to instructions that clarify how this should be done) would be appreciated!
Thank you!
[And let me just add, as a user of a crazy array of mapping tools and devices, MyRoute-App is the only solution that really has things figured out! This set of tools is far better than any of the alternatives I have researched and used. THANK YOU!]
@sjt Point 1 of your question I don't understand. Inserting a waypoint in the web planner with the mouse is very simple. Place the cursor above the route line and wait until the cursor changes to a black circle with a white circle inside it with a crosshair.
For point 2, indeed, you need to zoom in as much as possible on the route. Then, place the crosshair precisely above the black line and click in the middle of your crosshair. Voila, a waypoint placed.
@sjt Zooming in and tapping the route line is the way to add a sequential route point.
You also have the option in the toolkit to use: Place waypoint button
This adds a crosshairs sight on the screen and a Place waypoint button. Unfortunately using this mid route will add a route point as the final route point, ie out of numerical sequence.
It also adds a Move waypoint button to the route point menu. Pressing this brings up the crosshairs for more accurate positioning.
So tap the route line to add a sequential route point, I find a double tap works better. When it is on or near the line, open the route point menu and press the Move waypoint button to re-position more accurately. -
I agree with TS that a more easy way for mobile devices would be great. (Even in webplanner it would)
I stated before that 'komoot' has a great way of doing that. it simply (as a standard) insert the new placed point between the 2 closest waypoints. -
@sjt, what would really help for point 1 is to buy a BT travel mouse.
I agree, more options on placing waypoints on a route would be helpful
@sjt Use a little Bluetooth mouse and your trouble is gone. Works on my iPad like on Windows PC.
I appreciate all of the suggestions, everyone!
My takeaway from this is that I am using the MyRoute-App tools correctly, but the functionality I personally would find helpful in an iOS environment simply isn't available. This isn't a big deal as there are plenty of workaround (as several of you pointed out).
I truly appreciate all the feedback.
if you are more convinced with the handling of programs on Windows like me, may you, like me, struggle very often with operations of programs and Apps on IOS systems on iPads, if they are available on both systems.
Very often I can curse on programs like word, excel if I work with those on my iPad. Things which are easy and simple on Windows are cumbersome on the iPad.And by the way, in my opinion, MRA on an iPad is one the best Apps in the handling for routeplanning. Other Apps are more tricky and I checked a lot, which I remove after first tests of use.
@Peter-Schiefer said in Inserting Waypoints:
Things which are easy and simple on Windows are cumbersome on the iPad.
Tablets are mainly designed to consume information, not to enter information. If they were, they would have a keyboard...