Sections to use Highway and avoid afterwards
️ Motocycle
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass ich zum Beispiel für Wegpunkt 1-10 die schnellste Route mittels Autobahn benutze und ab Wegpunkt 11-20 die Autobahn vermeide.
Ich weiß ich kann die Wegpunkte bei 1-10 einfach auf die Autobahn manuell setzen.
Mir kommt so vor, als hätte ich bei einem Webinar diese Möglichkeit gesehen?!
Besten Dank
Is there a way that I can, for example, use the fastest route via highway for waypoint 1-10 and avoid the highway from waypoint 11-20.
I know I can just manually set the waypoints at 1-10 to the highway.
I seem to have seen this option on a webinar?!
Many thanks
@RayEmsi The OpenStreetMap planning map has the option to use Segments which is what you are talking about.
But these will be lost when you switch to the HERE or TomTom planning maps.
I find it a lot easier to just manually place the route points on the roads that I want to use. -
@Nick-Carthew Okay thanks
I had to use the Hero map for NEXT.
i'm just at the beginning with thus App. Will plan and use the App ALOT this Year. I'll find a way for me that will Work.
Probably sort of this "Problem" will touched on, in the Future.
Will BE cool to Lock a spezific Segment. No Matter If you Expand or reduce shaping Points. Those Segment never get touched, cause its locked. This function will be great.
Daran bin ich auch schon gescheitert
Leider kann MRA das bis dato nicht so wie wir es gerne hätten, was aber mehr an den karte als an allem anderen liegt.
Da ich aus der guten alten Basecamp-Welt komme, benutze ich auch den Workaround die Vermeidungen von Autobahn aus zu lassen und mit Hilfe von Shaping- und Waypoints die Route so zu bauen, wie ich es gerne hätte. -
@TomOnTour Hallo!
Ja ich denke das werde ich auch so machen. Gibt anscheinend zuviele variablen, wenn man das so programmieren möchte. Und die App wird wieder viel zu komplex für die Masse.
Liebe Grüße
Reini -
@RayEmsi, Like other users above say, that is only possible with segments in the OSM map. That has little value for MRA Navigation app users, since they use the HERE map.
I plan my routes always with the default routing options (allow highways, fastest way) and avoid highways myself by placing sensible shaping points. If you do that, you can just skip to waypoint 11 in your route, and it will get you there fastest way while following your pre-planned route after that without issues.
@Con-Hennekens hi!
Okay i will do my Routing as you said.
Just needed a little bit of knowledge, how you are Deal with this.Thanks
There is another option, but you must think the other way round. Don't check the "avoid highway" box. When you plan your route, you don't have to force the planner to stay on the highway, but you must force it to stay off the highways. In this way, you get the best route you can have.
@Lex-Kloet-RX hello!
Okay i will try. With tje Animate Feature i can Check it then easily, If its all correct.
Thanks for the Input