start page changed
when i used to open myroute app it opened with the map local to me (Liverpool), now the page opens up with the map just outside wolverhampton, i cant see how i can reset it to open local to me,is there a way to do it
That is a setting on your device / PC / Mac, allow to use your location
ive done that Hans and its still the same, it works ok when i log on to myroute using my phone just not my PC
@david-forbes said in start page changed:
it works ok when i log on to myroute using my phone just not my PC
Yes your phone uses your GPS location, your PC does not have that. Your (Google?) browser uses geolocation. This page gives some insight on how Google knows your position.
I even believe your webbrowser, through your google account, knows your GPS location when you have your phone with you. Having left your phone in Wolverhampton could probably cause it, or having disconnected your Google account on your PC forces the browser to try another, less accurate, geolocation method.
all working now, many thanks
@david-forbes ...and what was the fix?
ive no idea Jorgen, its just back to normal
I have same problem. Start page is always Washington, DC. The app used to be able to start on my actual location. I have location set to "on" on my pc, but doesn't seem to matter. Phone app work perfectly. Any help is appreciated.
@david-forbes I have noticed the same for routes. I shared a route in Norway in this forum. It changed the initial map to be in the Netherlands. See picture below. The route was not locked, but I also have no indication that a change by another person was made. Something to look into I think.
My default view is the whole of Europe.
Given a choice, I'd rather trust MRA with my position than Google. MRA aren't passing on my personal information, Google is.
Maybe MRA could store the last view used, or allow the user to set the default centre point for new maps.