cannot get the latest map update (Europe 17GB)
Just tried to update my maps - Europe 17GB - buit get the message that somehow the latest map update cannot be downloaded.
Anyone having the same problem?
Also I cannot discard/ end the choice of latest map update Europe to updating separate countries. Anyone having an idea about how to do this?
Am trying the update on my Samsung S10+. Which has plenty internal storage left.
@Inge-Bakermans yes, that's a known issue of the beta.
You should be able to download offline maps like normal - getting the latest maps is not possible at this point
@Inge-Bakermans, for some extra clarification: What @Corjan-Meijerink means is that you can still fetch the latest map version, but the update function cannot get information on the latest version from the HERE servers.
I you want to be sure you have the latest map, you can delete the map and re-download it. That will always be the latest available version. HERE needs to fix this of course. But be aware that changes between versions are VERY small.EDIT: appears to be incorrect, see @Corjan-Meijerink his reply below
@Con-Hennekens that's not true - you will just be downloading the same map again
@Corjan-Meijerink, is it? That's utterly strange. That implies that an older than the latest available map gets downloaded, despite the fact that it does not know which map to download? I could not have thought of that...
@Con-Hennekens The boffins at HERE work in peculiar ways
Thanks for all the replies. However not getting updated maps is my main problem. It just does not want to download all the Europe maps. It looks like it stops downloading before the whole region is downloaded. or do I need to give it like 24 hours or so do be able to download the whole region (and being plugged in to electricity)?
Or is there a way to stop the europe region download and add the countries manually? As for now I cannot change the download setting.
@Inge-Bakermans You really need quite a bit of patience when downloading the maps! What helps is a stable WiFi connection. Additionally, it helps to leave your phone undisturbed during the download and prevent the screen from going to sleep. So, temporarily disable the screen lock on your device. Loading country by country is also certainly an option. That way, you can at least see more clearly what the progress is.
@Inge-Bakermans, Yes, you can go into the European area and download maps of countries one-by-one. Also, if you really think the download is stuck, you can just force close the app. After restarting the app en restarting the download, the download will resume from where it left off.
@Nick-Carthew, Yes they do
Actually Corjan explained the reasoning behind it and I understand it now. I still think HERE could have implemented it more clever, but at least I understand why it works like it works. For the curious (like me), it has to do with guaranteeing the map version that gets downloaded is compatible with the HERE SDK that is used in the app. Not just roads are updated in the maps, but functionality too, so SDK version and map version has to match.
@Rob-Verhoeff Thanks Rob, I will try it with switching of the screen lock.
@Con-Hennekens I now unfortunately cannot download the countries seperately. Since it is stuck in "can only download Europe". I no longer can tap the separate countries.
@Inge-Bakermans, hmm, maybe in your case it is better to start with a blanc sheet ;-). Close the app. Go into your android system settings - apps - apps - search for MyRoute-app and select it - storage - delete storage. Then start the app again, restart the download. The app might ask you tr re-login.
@Con-Hennekens Ok, will do that then - thanks for the advice