No text whilst using the Animate function
Whilst using the Animation function on some Scottish routes I am planning I have noticed that although Waypoint photo's are shown, it no longer shows the Text Box?
I have used this function before so I know how it works but obviously not functioning correctly at the moment.
It works well with the routes in the library, first the text then the photo.
Do you mean when you use the animation function when planning your route? -
@Skellum I've never seen that work! Only the photos will pop-up. No speech and no text will show.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master Yes, while planning our trips I always like to look at the route animation showing waypoint text and photo's, however I have noticed the text box no longer works and all you see now is the waypoint photographs.
I have double checked that the animation menu was set correctly but still no text box? -
@Rob-Verhoeff Yes that is what I am finding now - we used to also get the waypoint text in a box - as per the animation menu.
Problem reported to the development team.
The issue should be solved!