Will new maps be implemented? For example, https://en.mapy.cz
There is also a tourist map, hotels, camps, restaurants, gas station, museum, cable car, post office, church, ....
PRESS RELEASE: MyRoute-app reduces Google Maps services
I'm new to MyRoute-app, yesterday I created a map using Google Maps as an overlay, today I wanted to modify the map, I couldn't find GM overlay!! Obviously thought it was me not knowing the software.
Might be worth putting this as a notice on your Home Page for all to see.
@Terry-Green Google amready disapeared from the selction list and we can still see street view for the moment
Don’t worry about it. You user base should understand the choice is simple; demand Google maps and you will have to pay increased subscription fees. Live without it and MyRoute-app survives. Street view isn’t a map service anyway it’s a panoramic.
Google can go and **** themselves.
Keep up the good work and don’t waste anymore unfruitful time on pointless negotiations. -
Hello, do you mean "street view" will desappear from MyrouteApp ?
I use it a lot as a biker to see the road, the miss of this fonction is a desaster for me.
I hope this fonction will not leave the app. -
Is it perhaps the fact that from within the App when being used on a phone for navigation Google is not getting location information back from the user? I would assume with an Android phone Google receives the location information no matter but perhaps with an IPhone the location information is not available to Google?
Let's face it... a lot of Google's business is providing location info to other businesses so they know if prospective customers are in the area so they can target them with ads, etc. Location information also allows Google to know your travel speed, etc. to provide traffic info real time. -
I certainly understand refusing to allow the google giant to strangle you. However, I too used the google map almost exclusively. I did so for several reasons. Like others have mentioned I used the satellite view and street view extensively. I also really loved the "optimize" feature in the tool kit for the google maps. I do not see an option to view the google map layer at all, so I'm curious how that is going to work.
Are we going to have a Google Satellite map layer? I really need this to see if back roads are dirt or paved.
When you are plotting an MRA route you can still use Google Maps in a separate tab in your browser, for street view, satellite view, finding hotels/restaurants, etc. Of course it is not as convenient, but it's doable.
Maybe we can get a new button within MRA to open Google Maps in a new tab, at the lat/lon of the current MRA view.
@TJ-Higgins the satelite layer from Here is still there, it may (zoomed out) not look so nice but once you zoom in it is ok
While I can understand your position in terms of the massive price increase by Google, I like probably many others have decided to pay for the My Route app Gold solely because of the Functionality you offer through Google. I think you should offer the possibility of an early cancellation since you are taking away a key feature of your service.
One thing not mentioned yet is the time discrepancies between OSM, GM, HERE and TomTom. When switching a route amongst these maps, waypoints and mileage are effectively unchanged, but the duration can vary significantly, sometimes by hours. I know my daily riding limits, and plan routes by both distance and duration. In my experience GM seemed to have the most accurate timing, so I used that for planning trips and created HERE copies for my Garmin GPS.
So I will greatly miss not having GM route calculation capabilities, but I understand and wholeheartedly support your decision not to renew this feature.
Will new maps be implemented? For example, https://en.mapy.cz
There is also a tourist map, hotels, camps, restaurants, gas station, museum, cable car, post office, church, .... -
if you now create a route in MRA using the tom tom map and save it as a 1.1gpx file to your hard drive, then delete the route from your route library by accident, you should be able to bring it back by uploading it using the gpx file you had saved on your hard drive including all the poi and waypoints, but all it says is " this route has no waypoints" and if you upload it as a route/track you get loads of waypoints with no street names.
Personally the only thing I used Google Maps for was Street View.
Went to Cornwall last year and whilst plotting the route to drive the whole way round the Cornish Coast there are a lot of unpaved roads that "stab out" to the most beautifull little scenic coves.
You would miss out on these if you just stayed on the main coastal road.
Street View is perfect for jumping in and actually seeing whether the 2-10 mile "stab out" is worth your time.
Having this functionality all in MRA is really usefull so if Street View disappears then it would be a real shame but in no way a deal breaker, as I would just jump in to Google Maps in another tab to achieve the same goal.The "big boys" are getting greedy and I whole heartedly agree with MRA's decision to show them the middle finger.
Steve. -
I find that Here satellite is not good enough for my needs.
Spijtig om dit te horen.
Zelf gebruikte ik Google satelliet veel om veldwegen nader te bekijken.
Nu moet ik het stellen met HERE satelliet maar die kwaliteit is toch niet hetzelfde.
Toch serieus teleurgesteld met jullie beslissing. -
Hello everyone, thank you very much for all your support in this. As said, we don't take these decisions lightheartedly.
That said, I've read your feedback (especially in regards to the G-sattelite map layer) and will take this up with management.
@Drabslab I was continuing on a route yesterday. Was looking for a petrol station. None of the other maps listed one. turned on POIs still nothing.
Went to google maps and looked at the same place and there it was, went to street view to confirm and it was still valid.
It is a shame as Google are the go to standard and we will just have to work around it -
None of the other cheap maps have the data that Google Maps has. Land Marks, business names, etc.
Hopefully this doesn't affect the Tyre App, but just in case it does I'll not be doing any upgrades to it.
I'll have to export all the routes I've created and just use MRA to import final version to create my HD .gpx files.
For the moment i don't see any google maps layer option anymore....
I'm creating my routes trough HERE mapping but really like the fact that i can switch between the different layers for how the map is been seen on the screen.
The google maps layer is really useful to see POI'S on the map.
Will the google maps layer be available again ?