Export 1.2 gpx
Today I have tested the new GPX 1.2 format with my ZumoXT. If you use this format, the newcalculation must swiched off. Otherwise the route will be destroyed.
I have created a route only with shaping point ( points without alarm). After the import into my ZumoXT via Garmin Drive app the route was exactly the same as planned in MRA. Everything looks good. Then I forces the ZumoXT to a new calculation. This ends up with a route from start to destination. In my case from home start to home. The route was only 100 m long.
When I use a route in the older beta formart then a new calculation follows the shaping points.
Conclusion: MRA shold use the shapingpoints in the GPX 1.2 format. -
Thanks for the reply. If you don't use via-points (point with alarm) then it is better to use the track.
Hi all,
From the developers, if you don't use via-points, you can use the gpx 1.1 file.
I did a small test with a route, starting from home to the first point of the route, with recalculation ON.
The route is NOT distroyed, see pictures below: (tack is black in the background)Route exported as Garmin Zumo gpx 1.1, all the shaping points are there.
The route in my XT.
The route, recalculated from my home to the first point on the route:
Only the via-points are not in this file,
Special for the users who want via-points (places where you will sop or drive by) is the Garmin Zumo gpx 1.2 file
The gpx 1.2 is basicly an Unflagged routeHope this wil help?
Hi all, test in the Zumo 346 gpx 1.1
The route with shaping points:
Route as picture:
Option to start the route, DO NOT CHOOSE THE END POINT!, because you wil be directed to the end point.
Choose the starting point of the route!
Directed to the startpoint and the route is not destroyed.
Hi all, test in de BMW Navigator 6 with the gpx 1.1 file
Route with shaping points:
Route as picture
Start option, choose the start location
route = OK
Directed to the start location and route is not destroyed.
Hi all, test in the Zumo 660 with the gpx 1.0 and 1.1 file (same results)
The 660 creates .bmp files, unfortunally this fileformat is not supported on the forum.
The 660 shows all shaping points as via-points (flags)
First drive to the starting point before you start the route, otherwise the route wil be destroyed. -
I created a new route for testing and testet it last Sunday.
The good news: the route works. But shaping points are not displayed but they are existing. The defined route with all detours shows it.
Unfortunately there are a few points to criticise:
The import in the navigator, - i.e. the time the navigator needs to import the route - is veeeeery slow. A route with 8 viapoints and 29 shaping points needed more than 6 minutes. With Beta 1.2, such a route needed about 30 seconds. ????
Shaping points are not displayed after the import. Neither in the map nor in the list. If I have to make a change in the navigator on the way (e.g. when a street is blocked), how can I change a shaping point into a via point? I can't. I can change a via point into a shaping point in the navigator. The shaping point then will be displayed. The recalculation now takes a few seconds.
The export (Save as) with GPX 1.2 works. In other programmes like Tyre or ITN converter only via points are imported, in kuviger.de via and shaping points. After copying a GPX-file edited by kuviger.de into the Navigator, only Viapoints are displayed again.
Despite all the joy that GPX 1.2 finally works on the Navigator, the lack of shaping points is a clear step backwards. I can only agree: please bring back the shaping points.
Hallo Stefan,
Lesen Sie sorgfältig, das gpx 1.1 hat sowohl Formation als auch Wegpunkte. Funktioniert nur bei Zumos mit NTU-Karte, also auch beim Navigator 6. An der Langsamkeit des Imports können wir nichts ändern, es hängt vom Gerät ab, wie schnell es die Daten verarbeiten kann. -
Hello Hans,GPX 1.1 can transmit shaping points and via points, Obviously. However, when importing GPX 1.1, only shaping points are transferred. I have to change the shaping points into via points manually. Why should I do this when GPX 1.2 transfers BOTH types. The shaping points are there, you just should make them visible and editable again.
Since yesterday I have a Zumo XT. The import is indeed much faster than with Navigator 6.
When you are in the planner, change a shapingpiont into a viapunt. Then export to the device
@Steve-Lynch I use viewpoints for coffee stops and lunch stops as this is another way of making sure that everyone in a group gets to the same place and a chance for stragglers to catch up. Having a coffee stop mid morning then lunch etc. means that if someone falls behind, they are never that far behind.
Like you, skipping a shaping point causes a problem. Perhaps there are roadworks or a diversion. If you skip and go to the next point, the GPS will skip the next viapoint (ignoring the viapoint).
To get round this I publish two files for each route with the 2nd one having all the shaping points converted to a viapoint and, to keep them tidy, I rename them with the prefix Z which means that you can find them if needed but they are not mixed in with your normal day to day files.
Another option would be to pass the diversion following the signs then start the route again with the next point being the next viapoint. This would however skip any shaping points that you had planned.
I am of course working with groups of Riders. Had I been solo, I would do as you do and not plan coffee stops etc.
90% of the time I prefer to travel alone. (Billy No Mates or maybe Victor Meldrew
I live in London but my Biker Mates are mostly down the South Coast, from Brighton to Eastbourne, generally I meet up with them only during the summer month’s, except one in particular that I went to School with and often ride to him for a stay over consisting of beer, curry and the obligatory hangover.
Generally this crowd stay around the south coast area and generally one them will lead as they have the better local knowledge of the South Coast. -
The same effect, when exporting direct to BMW Navigator. It's not uasable.
Friedhelm -
Which Navigator do you have the 5 or the 6?
With the navigator 5, it uses the NT map, it doesn't work, just like the older zumo's. -
Good choice on updating to the Garmin XT.
I have had mine for a while now and in my experience the plethora of recent updates by the MRA Devs have made the XT even better.
Happy days. -
@Steve-Lynch said in Export 1.2 gpx:
My Navigator 6 had ghosting. My BMW dealer offers as an exchange only the XT, because the ghosting occurs again sooner or later with a new NAvigator. Because the XT is a new device, I have again a warranty of 2 years.
@Hans-van-de-Ven-MRA-Master I just wanted to agree with other replies in this thread. In the past I would have the formation points (blue dots) and waypoints (flags). I would often put multiple waypoints (flags) that I may stop at and I wanted announced, knowing I would stop at some and skip some depending on how the day went. In the past I would have the one skip button on my Zumo xt and I would skip waypoints (flags) but because of all the formation points (blue dots) the overall navigation would stay intact.
Now when I first load the trip into my Zumo the track looks good and the navigation is accurate even without the blue dot formation points. However the first time I skip something on my route the Zumo recalculates everything without any regard to the formation points that would have been there in the past and I get a direct route to my next flag point rather than the planned route between the flags I had.
I bought the garmin xT specifically because of how MyRoute-app and the xT worked well together, with this change to the beta 1.2 export my Zumo really no longer does the things I need it to do. If you could restore the functionality it would be greatly appreciated.
This was resolved.
Use GPX 1.1 (Route, Track, POI)
That will give you the Via Points and Shaping Points on the XT. -
Thanks, will change my export choice going forward.
Hello, I read all the posts carefully and I am very grateful for the good tips.
I come to the conclusion that I have to choose the export variant «Garmin (GPX 1.1)».
I tested it and saw that I see shapingpoints and viapoints on the Zumo XT, as desired. If I choose the export variant Garmin Zumo (GPX 1.2), I see only the viapoints.
For testing, I saved the GPX 1.2 variant and opened it in Basecamp. After a recalculation of the route BC tinkers a completely wrong route - and exactly that happens in the device.
With the GPX 1.1 variant, shaping points and viapoints are present and the route follows the track exactly.
What advantage does the GPX 1.2 variant have? I see only one serious disadvantage, namely the lack of transmission and visibility of the shaping points.