So glad she had the foresight to deal with it.
You better behave yourself, sounds like she’s got a mighty left hook.
The Tiger hunting its prey.
Just thought I’d share this slo mo video of a ride I did this weekend in the Surrey Hills.
The Tiger was hunting its prey.
No animals were hurt in this videohttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1u3U7zW_JwRMdNwm3LDYHg4L0PfpE1h3I/view?usp=drivesdk
The file linked to requires a request to view. It might be worth changing the sharing setting to ‘Anyone with the link can view’?
Wow, close encounter! Glad you didn't get a facefull of bird!
This post is deleted! -
@Steve-Lynch Sorry, does not open on my computer
Nick Carthew RouteXperts Instructor last edited by Nick Carthew 28 Apr 2021, 10:06 28 Apr 2021, 10:04
@Steve-Lynch Living in Devon, suicidal pheasants are a common hazard to avoid. I remember following my wife on her first day on the road with her 125cc. I was about 30 m behind her and in contact via our intercoms whispering sweet words of encouragement when out of nowhere came this hen bird with a death wish at head height. I was already nervous for my wife as it was her first time on her new Honda VT Shadow. I saw it happen in a similar fashion to your slow mo video. Without me having the chance to say anything, Hannah swiftly took her left hand off the bars and gave it a left uppercut which left me riding through a cloud of feathers. I knew from that point on that her quick reaction would stand her in good stead for any future events. She passed her full test 5 months after and has since travelled all over the UK and Europe without encountering any other suicidal creatures. We still talk about it today whenever we see roadside pheasants. Great video capture by the way, only wish that I'd had my GoPro mounted at the time.
So glad she had the foresight to deal with it.
You better behave yourself, sounds like she’s got a mighty left hook. -
The link is definitely live as you can see from other posts.
Not sure what the issue is.
The file is an MP4. -
Haha yes... I headed a pigeon once at almost 100km/h.
That was no pleasant encounter. I was not able to keep it as straight as you did... -
The wife of a well-known motorcycle rider would be hit in the head by a bird while sitting in the back seat of the motorcycle. She suffered a fatal broken neck.
That particular bit was a 30mph limit and I was only doing 24mph at the time.
It was probably less than a second in real time (60 fps on the Go Pro’s)
Just a little wobble and a nervous laugh
At 100 km/h I can only say I’m so glad you are here to tell the tale based on Reinhard-32’s post.
That is terrible tragedy. -
Yeah, it kind of ricocheted off of my helmet, so it was not frontal, lucky me. The group I lead later said that they saw me make a strange sideways move, but they never noticed the pigeon. So they did not really believe me. But at the time I was kind of shaky, but not not stirred