First of all. This has nothing to do with MRA but i will answer you anyway.
Yes. Your nav will popup back with the route on your display.
Hi fellas
If I am driving along a route that I have made and take a break and turn the satnav off (Garmin 590) will it pop back on the route when I start it up again?
Best regards
First of all. This has nothing to do with MRA but i will answer you anyway.
Yes. Your nav will popup back with the route on your display.
You just have to push the on/off button once
@Tino-Wintershoven If I am using a route created in MRA, yes it has a lot to do with MRA but thanks
@Karsten-Lund-0 Hello Karsten,
The MRA routeplanner delivers a route in a format you select, usually (and for garmin) this will be the GPX 1.1 format.
This format is a standard that can be read by many different GPS devices made by different manufacturers. Unfortunately, each one of these devices has its own "perks".
Some GPS you can "put to sleep" in which case turning them back on will make them continue the route. Others you can only "shutt down" making them loose all memory of on-going routes.
I have no clue if the Garmin 590 makes a distinction between being sleeping or shutt down but that you should find in the manual.
I hope this helps
Thank you so much Drabslab. Your detailed reply helped me a lot.
I have a Garmin Zumo 590 and a ZumoXT and can confirm that the route will continue after wake up from sleep mode.. When you remove the 590 from the cradle without any action it falls in the sleep mode automatically or if you press the On/Off button shortly als well.