I tried the roundtrip generator recently, and I think the user interaction could be enhanced by the following feature...
Whenever the user, while stepping through the 5 consecutive roundtrip-generation steps, switches to a following step, the "previous step" link is located at the bottom of the new page. A user who wants to step back is "forced", this way, to browse down in the new page to switch to the previous page. It's even more inconvenient if the user wants to step several steps back.
However, at the same time, on top of the 5 pages, the step's (page) number remains visible, with a (blue or grey) circle around the step's number. Now my feature request, at MRA's development team's appreciation : wouldn't it provide a better user experience if the user could click in the circles to return to the previous page ? This way, the user isn't "forced" to browse to the bottom of the page to perform that same action.
Even if it would prove to be too much of a development hassle to give the opportunity to switch to a "random" previous step, in my opinion it would already be an improvement if the user would be limited to select "only" the immediately preceding step.
Just my 5 cents of (well-meant !) user input.