Navigation app V1.0.30
I used the app last days in a brand new BMW iX3 (Navigation Professional car system). to ride a route I created.
The navigtation on the phone screen works as expected, but the voice is.......very............slow...........with........a.........lot...........of ............pauzes........between.........the..............words.
Makes you already pass the exit before the voice is done speaking.
Any clues how to fix? -
@Martin-Middelkoop Oh I could make lots of jokes about this
Being serious now, this isn’t something that I have heard of before. Perhaps a reset might work? -
Hi Martin, don't know what kind of phone you have, but with iOS 14.4.2 you might try going to Settings->Accessibility->Spoken Content->Speaking Rate to set the desired rate of voice.
Hope that helps - and if not sorry!
Thanks, will try
That doesn't change anything - I have the same problem (iOS 14.6). The voice-guided navigation announcements are very slow. This is extremely cumbersome when driving. The integration of the language package is very poorly solved.