Transport mode switch
If I have a trip in drive (car/motor) and I want to change this into bike how do I fix this. I am unable to find out. Please help?
@Robineke which tool are you talking about: mra routeplanner, a gps device, mra navigation software, or anything else ?
@Robineke This isn't possible once a route has been created. What you could do is, open a new route and choose cycle as the type of route. Open the new route and plan it on the Default (OpenStreetMap) then open the OpenCycleMap overlay, this will show you cycle roads and cycle only tracks. Click Routes in the left side bar and then click Add. Add the route that you wish to become a cycle route, this will add a yellow line showing where the original route goes. It is then just a case of adding route points to either follow the existing route or choose a more cycle friendly route.
@Robineke, in TomTom you mean MyDrive?
Yes, then open the Track / Route, click on edit and then choose motorcycle.