Skipping waypoints in advance
I know there have been recent discussions about waypoints not being recognised when passed resulting attempts to return to the wp by mra. It seems like almost every trip I take, I get a message about a wp being skipped ... before I get to the WP! Normally it's something like 5 kms from the WP. Most times this does not affect the planned route but I've had a case or two where the route was dynamically changed due to the skipped WP.
Try to switch off "Skip waypoints automatically".
@Jörgen why would I turn off the option? I'm reporting this as a problem that needs to be fixed. Auto skipping of missed waypoints is a good feature, it just needs to work properly.
@Doug-Robinson Interesting, thanks for sharing
@Doug-Robinson said in Skipping waypoints in advance:
@Jörgen why would I turn off the option? I'm reporting this as a problem that needs to be fixed. Auto skipping of missed waypoints is a good feature, it just needs to work properly.
Because sometimes waypoints are skipped for strange reasons. I had the same and missed a meeting point because the WP was skipped, may be because of traffic or other reason, I do not know.
Important WP are now Via points and "Skip waypoints automatically" is of.
It would be interesting why WP are skipped? -
@Jörgen said in Skipping waypoints in advance:
Because sometimes waypoints are skipped for strange reasons.
I am with @Doug-Robinson on this. Premature skipping has been reported before, and I have seen it too (although very little and some time ago). If it happens, it is important to discover why it happens, so the function can be improved.
It is however very difficult to investigate. It does not seem to happen very structurally. That makes it hard to capture it in a screenrecording. That would be very helpful, if combined with the app-log.
I agree, if the algorithm decides to skip something, there should be a note, a warning, or something, may be with the reason.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
I have the same problem, except that in my case it usually occurs when I interrupt navigation (for example, because of a pause), close the app, and then want to resume.